var _c = new Array; // context help messages // BrowserCheck Object function _BrowserCheck() { var b = navigator.appName if (b=='Netscape') this.b = 'ns' else if (b=='Microsoft Internet Explorer') this.b = 'ie' else this.b = b this.version = navigator.appVersion this.v = parseInt(this.version) this.ns = (this.b=='ns' && this.v>=4) this.ns4 = (this.b=='ns' && this.v==4) this.ns5 = (this.b=='ns' && this.v==5) = (this.b=='ie' && this.v>=4) this.ie4 = (this.version.indexOf('MSIE 4')>0) this.ie5 = (this.version.indexOf('MSIE 5')>0) this.ie55 = (this.version.indexOf('MSIE 5.5')>0) this.min = (this.ns|| } _c['b_disabled']='This feature is currently unavailable.'; _c['b_disabled_by_key']='This feature is not supported by the license key.'; _c['b_accept']='You should agree to the terms of this license agreement in order to use Plesk.'; _c['b_action_log']='Action log configuration.'; _c['b_add_ip']='Add IP addresses to the client\'s IP pool.'; _c['b_add_cert']='Add new certificate.'; _c['b_add_new_category']='Create new category.'; _c['b_add_new_priority']='Create new priority.'; _c['b_add_new_queue']='Create new queue.'; _c['b_add_new_ticket']='Create new ticket.'; _c['b_adm_skeleton']='Manage virtual host skeleton.'; _c['b_aspdotnet']='Edit ASP.NET configuration settings.'; _c['b_aspdotnet_not_installed']='ASP.NET is not installed'; _c['b_aspdotnet__restore_default']='Restore server default ASP.NET settings'; _c['b_autoinstaller']='Upd control panel or its components.'; _c['b_autoinstaller_configure']='Manage Updater settings.'; _c['b_autoinstaller_install']='Install selected components.'; _c['b_autoinstallerreleaseslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find releases.'; _c['b_autoinstallerreleaseslist_show_all']='Show all releases.'; _c['b_autoinstallercomponentslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find components.'; _c['b_autoinstallercomponentslist_show_all']='Show all components.'; _c['b_auto-updates']='Update control panel or its components.'; _c['b_blocked_domains']='Manage black list.'; _c['b_blocked_domain_add']='Click to add a domain to the black list.'; _c['b_cf_configure']='ColdFusion configuration.'; _c['b_crontab_unix_add']='Schedule new task.'; _c['b_crontab_win_add']='Schedule new task.'; _c['b_crontab_unix_mailto_set']='Enter e-mail for the Crontab messages delivery or "" to disable it and click the button.'; _c['b_crontab_win_mailto_set']='Enter an e-mail for the Scheduler messages delivery or "" to disable it and click the button.'; _c['b_crontablist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click the button to search in the tasks.'; _c['b_crontablist_remove']='Remove selected tasks.'; _c['b_codepage_change']='Click to change the codepage.'; _c['b_configure_maillists']='Mailing list postinstall configuration.'; _c['b_configure_maillists_disabled__configured']='Mailing list is already configured.'; _c['b_configure_maillists_disabled__not_installed']='Mailing list is not installed.'; _c['b_configure_odbc']='ODBC DSN configuration.'; _c['b_crontablist_cancel']='Cancel task removal.'; _c['b_crontablist_show_all']='Show all tasks.'; _c['b_clienttrafficlist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find domains.'; _c['b_clienttrafficlist_show_all']='Show all domains.'; _c['b_comp_info']='Choosing system components and viewing information on their versions.'; _c['b_decline']='Declining this license you will not be able to use Plesk.'; _c['b_dumps_list']='Access the Backup/Restore functions and manage backup files repository.'; _c['b_dumps_list_disabled']='The service is currently unavailable: the backup utilities are not installed.'; _c['b_add_services']='Additional services management page.'; _c['b_add_ip_for_clients']='Add IP address to client\'s pools.'; _c['b_anonymous_ftp']='Set up Anonymous FTP for the domain.'; _c['b_anonymous_ftp_shared']='Anonymous FTP feature is available only for domains with an exlusive IP address.'; _c['b_anonymous_ftp_used']='Unable to set up Anonymous FTP: IP address is used in another domain for Anonymous FTP.'; _c['b_attach_add']='Add attached file.'; _c['b_attach_remove']='Remove attached file.'; _c['b_backup_ok']='Backing up has been successfully completed. Click to go to the domain backup files repository.'; _c['b_cancel']='Click to discard any changes and return to the previous page.'; _c['b_card']='Edit personal information.'; _c['b_cats_rm_submit']='Click to delete categories.'; _c['b_cert_add']='Add new certificate.'; _c['b_cert_buy']='Purchase an authentic certificate.'; _c['b_cert_buy_dsbld']='Authentic certificate purchasing feature is disabled.'; _c['b_cert_request']='Enter certificate parameters and click to generate CSR.'; _c['b_cert_view']='View already ordered certificates.'; _c['b_cert_cp_file_download']='Click to obtain the Control Panel certificate.'; _c['b_cert_rm_submit']='Delete certificate(s).'; _c['b_cert_self_sign']='Enter certificate parameters and click to generate a self-signed certificate.'; _c['b_cert_file_download']='Download the certificate file.'; _c['b_certificates']='Certificates repository.'; _c['b_clean_log']='Clear log.'; _c['b_cl_skeleton']='Manage skeleton.'; _c['b_domain_restore']='Restore the domain from this backup file.'; _c['b_domain_user']='Allow and configure domain user access.'; _c['b_domain_alias_add']='Click to add new domain alias name.'; _c['b_domain_aliases_limit_reached']='The limit on number of domain aliases has been reached.'; _c['b_do_backup']='Backup the domain. During this procedure the domain access via the control panel will be blocked.'; _c['b_create_client_back']='Discard suggested parameters and return to the previous page.'; _c['b_create_client_update']='Confirm suggested parameters and proceed with client creation.'; _c['b_create_domain_back']='Discard suggested parameters and return to the previous page.'; _c['b_create_domain_update']='Confirm suggested parameters and proceed with domain creation.'; _c['b_create_domain_client_select']='Select the client and click OK to create the domain.'; _c['b_crontab_unix']='Manage scheduler tasks.'; _c['b_crontab_win']='Manage scheduler tasks.'; _c['b_cronbackup_turn_on']='Enable backing up on schedule.'; _c['b_cronbackup_turn_off']='Disable backing up on schedule.'; _c['b_crontab_unix_turn_on']='Click to activate the Crontab task.'; _c['b_crontab_win_turn_on']='Click to activate the Scheduler task.'; _c['b_crontab_unix_turn_off']='Click to deactivate the Crontab task.'; _c['b_crontab_win_turn_off']='Click to deactivate the Scheduler task.'; _c['b_eventmgr']='Create and manage handlers for processing various system events.'; _c['b_event_handler_add']='Set up new event handler.'; _c['b_extcert_send_file']='Upload previously purchased certificate from the specified file.'; _c['b_extras_admin']='Additional server tools.'; _c['b_extras_client']='Additional domain tools.'; _c['b_cl_rm_submit']='Click to delete the client accounts and their domains.'; _c['b_cl_ed']='Click to edit the client\'s information.'; _c['b_cl_ed_update']='Click to update the client\'s information.'; _c['b_cl_limits']='View or define the client account limits.'; _c['b_cl_new']='Click to create a new client account.'; _c['b_cl_new_update']='Click to create a new client account.'; _c['b_cl_not_cr_dom']='The client does not have permission to create domains.'; _c['b_cl_on']='Enable the client account and all their domains.'; _c['b_cl_off']='Disable the client account and all their domains.'; _c['b_cl_permissions']='View or set permissions for the resources allocated to the client.'; _c['b_cl_pref_up_level']='Click to return to the client\'s preferences page without updating.'; _c['b_cl_pool_update']='Click to add.'; _c['b_cl_pool_first_time_update']='Click to update changes in IP pool.'; _c['b_cl_pool_add']='Add IP addresses to the client\'s IP pool.'; _c['b_cl_pool_add_no_ips']='There are no vacant IP adresses to add.'; _c['b_cl_pool_remove']='Remove IP addresses from the client\'s IP pool.'; _c['b_cp_access']='IP access restriction.'; _c['b_cp_access_add']='Click to add the network to the IP access restriction list.'; _c['b_cp_access_switch']='Click to change the IP access restriction policy.'; _c['b_cp_access_rm_submit']='Click to remove networks from the list.'; _c['b_cpaccesslist_show_all']='Click to display all networks of the IP access restriction list.'; _c['b_cpaccesslist_remove']='Click to remove the selected networks.'; _c['b_cpaccesslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find the networks.'; _c['b_edit_tpl__add_ip']='Click to add IP addresses.'; _c['b_edit_tpl__cancel_ip']='Click to cancel.'; _c['b_icf']='Set up Plesk firewall.'; _c['b_ip_clients__add']='Click to add.'; _c['b_ip_clients__cancel']='Click to cancel.'; _c['b_client_templates']='Client templates management page.'; _c['b_create_login']='Click to create new My account.'; _c['b_sapp_pool_update']='Click to add the site application to the pool.'; _c['b_skins_managment']='Click to manage skins.'; _c['b_skin_add']='Click to upload custom Plesk skins.'; _c['b_skin_manual']='Click to open Creating And Installing Custom Plesk for Windows Skins manual.'; _c['b_skin_download']='Click to download skin.'; _c['b_skin_replace']='Click to replace the current skin with the new one.'; _c['b_spamassassin']='Spam Filter server configuration.'; _c['b_spamassassin_not_installed']='Spam Filter is not installed.'; _c['b_schedulertaskslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click the button to search in the tasks.'; _c['b_schedulertaskslist_remove']='Remove selected tasks.'; _c['b_schedulertaskslist_cancel']='Cancel tasks removal.'; _c['b_schedulertaskslist_show_all']='Show all tasks.'; _c['b_tsclient']='Opens Remote Desktop Web Connection'; _c['b_tsclient__empty_shell']='Remote Desktop is disabled'; _c['b_migration_manager']='Plesk Migration Manager: click to migrate accounts/domains from a foreign host.'; _c['b_migration_manager_not_installed']='Plesk Migration Manager is not installed.'; _c['b_migration_manager_not_supported']='Plesk Migration Manager is not supported by the license key.'; _c['b_migration_manager_not_installed_supported']='Plesk Migration Manager is not installed and not supported by the license key.'; _c['b_sshterm']='Open the terminal client to access your account at Plesk server over the secure shell.'; _c['b_sshterm__no_vrt_hst']='Physical hosting should be set up for the domain in order to make the use of the terminal client available.'; _c['b_sshterm__empty_shell']='System access should be enabled for the domain in order to make the useof the terminal client available.'; _c['b_sshterm__not_installed']='SSHTerminal is not installed.'; _c['b_subdom_update']='Click to submit the settings.'; _c['b_subdom_create']='Click to create subdomain.'; _c['b_clients']='Manage client accounts.'; _c['b_client_traffic']='Client\'s traffic.'; _c['b_change_passwd']='Click to change administrator\'s password.'; _c['b_change_cert_name']='Click to change the certificate name.'; _c['b_databases']='Create and manage databases and database users.'; _c['b_databases__change_server_passwd']='Click to go to the page of changing password.'; _c['b_databases__change_server_passwd_disabled']='Currently, you are using inner Plesk database server, because you configured the connection with the port 8306. Therefore, the password should be changed on Server->Change Password page.'; _c['b_default_skel']='Install default skeleton.'; _c['b_directories']='Create password-protected directories.'; _c['b_db_access']='Set up database administrator\'s credentials.'; _c['b_db_add']='Click to add a new database.'; _c['b_db_add_update']='Enter the new database name and click to add.'; _c['b_db_del']='Remove database.'; _c['b_db_mng']='Database management via web interface.'; _c['b_db_admin_not_installed']='The feature is disabled because SQL Web Admin is not installed.'; _c['b_db_usr_add']='Click to add a new database user.'; _c['b_db_user_del']='Remove the database user.'; _c['b_db_usr_update']='Click to change the password.'; _c['b_db_rm_submit']='Click to delete the selected databases.'; _c['b_default_text']='Set up default notification text.'; _c['b_du_rm_submit']='Click to delete the database users.'; _c['b_dns']='Administer DNS settings for the domain.'; _c['b_dns_soa_set']='Apply all changes.'; _c['b_dns_acl_add']='Click to add IP address or subnet mask.'; _c['b_dns_rec_del']='Remove this record from DNS zone.'; _c['b_dns_rec_new']='Click to add a new DNS record.'; _c['b_dns_master_add']='Add new DNS master server.'; _c['b_dns_masters_rm_submit']='Click to delete DNS master servers.'; _c['b_dns_new_ns']='Add new nameserver.'; _c['b_dns_on']='DNS zone activation.'; _c['b_dns_off']='DNS zone deactivation.'; _c['b_dns_not_perm']='You do not have permissions to manage DNS zone for this domain.'; _c['b_dns_template']='DNS template settings.'; _c['b_dns_template_rec_del']='Remove the record from the DNS template.'; _c['b_dns_template_rec_new']='Select a new DNS template record type and click to add.'; _c['b_dns_template_restore_default']='Replace the current DNS zone template with the standard one.'; _c['b_dns_restore_default']='Click to reset to the DNS template.'; _c['b_dns_rm_submit']='Click to delete the DNS records.'; _c['b_dnstemplatelist_remove']='Click to remove the records from the DNS template.'; _c['b_dom_deact']='Unavailable for inactive domain.'; _c['b_dom_del']='Delete all domain information.'; _c['b_log_manager']='Manage log files and log processing options.'; _c['b_dom_new']='Click to create new domain.'; _c['b_dom_new_update']='Click to create new domain.'; _c['b_dom_on']='Turn the domain on.'; _c['b_dom_off']='Turn the domain off.'; _c['b_dom_pref']='Set up preferences for the domain.'; _c['b_dom_limits']='View or set up limits for the domain.'; _c['b_domain_templates']='Create, edit and delete domain templates.'; _c['b_domain_traffic']='Domain traffic.'; _c['b_dom_reg']='Register this domain.'; _c['b_dom_usr_del']='Delete domain level user access.'; _c['b_doms_mng']='Manage the domains registered through the Control Panel.'; _c['b_doms_reg']='Register domain.'; _c['b_report']='View the domain report, send it by e-mail, and configure the report delivery schedules.'; _c['b_report_auto']='Manage the report delivery schedule.'; _c['b_report_auto_new']='Add new report delivery schedule.'; _c['b_reportautolist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find the report delivery schedules.'; _c['b_reportautolist_show_all']='Show all report delivery schedules.'; _c['b_reportautolist_remove']='Delete the selected report delivery schedules.'; _c['b_report_saem']='Send the status report to the specified address.'; _c['b_dom_rm_submit']='Click to delete domains.'; _c['b_domains']='Manage domains.'; _c['b_download_log']='Download the log file to the local machine.'; _c['b_dumps_rm_submit']='Click to delete the backup files.'; _c['b_edit_adm']='Click to edit administrator\'s information.'; _c['b_find_cert']='Find the appropriate private key for the uploaded certificate.'; _c['b_filemanager_apply_win_perm']='Click to submit the changes.'; _c['b_filemanager_cancel_win_perm']='Click to return to the previous page without saving changes.'; _c['b_filemanager__chmod_update']='Click to submit the changes.'; _c['b_filemanager__rename_update']='Click to submit the changes.'; _c['b_filemanager__new_file']='Click to create a new file.'; _c['b_filemanager__new_dir']='Click to create a new directory.'; _c['b_filemanager__count_size']='Click to count the size of the selection.'; _c['b_domaintrafficlist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find services.'; _c['b_domaintrafficlist_show_all']='Show all services.'; _c['b_domains_global_changes']='Group operations on the selected domains.'; _c['b_clients_global_changes']='Group operations on the selected client accounts.'; _c['b_custom_buttons']='Custom buttons management.'; _c['b_custom_button_add']='Click to add a new custom button.'; _c['b_custom_buttons_rm_submit']='Click to remove the selected custom buttons.'; _c['b_hide_aliases']='Hide aliases.'; _c['b_hide_subdomains']='Hide subdomains.'; _c['b_help']='Get help on this page.'; _c['b_home']='Return to the home page.'; _c['b_hosting']='Administer and set up web hosting for the domain.'; _c['b_hst_del']='Delete hosting configuration.'; _c['b_hst_not_set']='Hosting is not set up.'; _c['b_hst_wo_ip']='Hosting is not ip-based.'; _c['b_hst_wo_ip_or_not_ssl']='Hosting is not ip-based or SSL support is not activated.'; _c['b_not_phys_hst']='Hosting is not physical.'; _c['b_web_stat_not_set']='Web statistics are not enabled.'; _c['b_white_list']='Manage white list.'; _c['b_white_list_add']='Add a domain to the white list.'; _c['b_hst_sel_next']='Set up the selected hosting type.'; _c['b_hst_update']='Apply all changes.'; _c['b_fp_webadmin']='FrontPage WebAdmin.'; _c['b_fp_webadmin_disable']='Hosting is not physical or FrontPage is not enabled.'; _c['b_fp_ssl_webadmin']='FrontPage over SSL WebAdmin.'; _c['b_fp_ssl_webadmin_disable']='Hosting is not physical or FrontPage over SSL is not enabled.'; _c['b_int_ip_del']='Select IP addresses from the list and click to remove them from the interface.'; _c['b_ip_new']='Click to add new IP addresses.'; _c['b_ip_aliasing']='Manage IP addresses on the server.'; _c['b_ip_del']='Select IP addresses/masks from the list and click to remove.'; _c['b_ip_rm_submit']='Click to delete IP addresses.'; _c['b_ip_cl_rm_submit']='Click to remove the IP address from IP pool.'; _c['b_ip_pool']='Client IP pool management.'; _c['b_language']='Set up default interface language.'; _c['b_login']='Click to log in.'; _c['b_login_vzpp']='Click to access VZPP.'; _c['b_logo']='Customize logos displayed at the top of the interface pages.'; _c['b_logo_default']='Click to restore the default logo.'; _c['b_logo_send_file']='Enter new logo file name and click to upload.'; _c['b_logo_send_link']='Enter new logo link and click to attach.'; _c['b_logo_send_logo']='Enter new logo file name and click to upload.'; _c['b_logout']='Log out of Control Panel.'; _c['b_log_rm_submit']='Click to delete log files.'; _c['b_ma_rm_submit']='Click to delete mail aliases.'; _c['b_odbc']='Manage ODBC DSN connections.'; _c['b_mail']='Configure server-wide mail system settings.'; _c['b_mailnames_global_changes']='Group operations on the selected mail names.'; _c['b_mail_disabled_by_admin']='The mail service for this domain is deactivated by server administrator.'; _c['b_mail_resp_on']='Activate the autoresponder.'; _c['b_mail_resp_off']='Deactivate the autoresponder.'; _c['b_mail_resp_add']='Create a new autoresponder.'; _c['b_mail_resp_files']='Manage attachments repository.'; _c['b_mail_resp_upload']='Upload file to the attachments repository.'; _c['b_mail_resp_attach_add']='Create a new attachment.'; _c['b_mail_name_new']='Click to create a new mail name.'; _c['b_mail_names']='Manage mail services: POP3 mailboxes, redirects, groups and autoresponders.'; _c['b_mail_name_resp_attach_selected']='Click to attach selected files to the autoresponder.'; _c['b_mail_on']='Activate mail services for this domain.'; _c['b_mail_off']='Deactivate mail services for this domain.'; _c['b_mail_preferences']='Click to configure mail for nonexistent users reception and to enable.'; _c['b_mimetypes']='Manage MIME types.'; _c['b_mimetype_new']='Add New MIME Type.'; _c['b_mimetypeslist_remove']='Delete the selected MIME types.'; _c['b_mimetypeslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find MIME types.'; _c['b_mimetypeslist_show_all']='Show all MIME types.'; _c['b_mn_alias_new']='Add a new mail alias.'; _c['b_mn_mail_group']='Click to manage mail group.'; _c['b_mn_mailbox']='Click to manage mailbox.'; _c['b_mn_preferences']='Click to configure mail name.'; _c['b_mn_responders']='Click to manage autoresponders.'; _c['b_mn_resp_rm_submit']='Click to delete autoresponders.'; _c['b_mn_redir_rm_submit']='Click to delete mail redirects.'; _c['b_mn_redirect']='Click to manage mail redirect.'; _c['b_mn_files_rm_submit']='Click to delete files.'; _c['b_mn_attach_rm_submit']='Click to delete attachments.'; _c['b_mn_groups']='Click to manage mail groups.'; _c['b_mn_spamfilter_on']='Click to manage spam filtering.'; _c['b_mn_spamfilter_off']='Spam filtering is currently unavailable. To enable spam filtering you need to have the Spam Filter software installed, and the support for user-level spam filtering enabled on the mail box management page.'; _c['b_mn_spamfilter_srv']='Administrator has disabled user-configured spam filtering.'; _c['b_make_dump']='Back up the domain.'; _c['b_ftp_account_for_dumps_repository']='Edit FTP account preferences for remote dumps repository.'; _c['b_cron_task_backup']='Configure scheduled domain backup.'; _c['b_mg_mem_del']='Select mail group members from the list and click to remove.'; _c['b_mg_add']='Add mail name to the selected mail groups.'; _c['b_mg_cancel']='Click to cancel.'; _c['b_mg_del']='Remove the mail name from the selected mail groups.'; _c['b_mg_mem_new']='Click to add a new mail group member.'; _c['b_mg_turn_on']='Click to enable mail group.'; _c['b_mg_turn_off']='Click to disable mail group.'; _c['b_mg_update']='Click to update changes.'; _c['b_mn_rm_submit']='Click to delete mail names.'; _c['b_mn_webmail_on']='Click to open the WebMail window.'; _c['b_mn_webmail_off']='This feature is currently unavailable because WebMail support is not enabled in the mail preferences, or mailbox is not activated.'; _c['b_mpc_reg']='Register your server with MPC or another service provider.'; _c['b_notifications']='Edit notifications.'; _c['b_permissions']='View or set permissions for the client.'; _c['b_performance']='Manage domain performance.'; _c['b_first_page']='You are already on the first page.'; _c['b_file_manager']='Manage your files and directories.'; _c['b_anonftp_stats']='Anonymous FTP log file analysis.'; _c['b_ftp_stats']='FTP server log file analysis.'; _c['b_ftp_stats_disable']='Web statistics are not enabled, or anonymous FTP server is not turned on, or hosting is not physical.'; _c['b_last_page']='You are already on the last page.'; _c['b_next_page']='Go to the next page.'; _c['b_prs_rm_submit']='Click to delete priorities.'; _c['b_preferences']='Client\'s interface preferences.'; _c['b_prev_page']='Go to the previous page.'; _c['b_preview']='Preview the site prior to DNS propagation.'; _c['b_pd_new']='Click to create a new protected directory.'; _c['b_pd_update']='Click to update the directory properties.'; _c['b_pd_usr_new']='Click to add a new user.'; _c['b_pd_usr_update']='Click to change password.'; _c['b_pd_users_rm_submit']='Click to delete the protected directory users.'; _c['b_pd_preferences']='Click to change protected directory preferences.'; _c['b_pd_rm_submit']='Click to unprotect the directories and their users.'; _c['b_qus_rm_submit']='Click to delete priorities.'; _c['b_reread_ip']='Click to refresh IP addresses.'; _c['b_repair_ip']='Click to add the IP address.'; _c['b_reboot']='Reboot server.'; _c['b_refresh']='Refresh data on the screen.'; _c['b_key_info']='View information on the license key and upgrade it online.'; _c['b_key_upload']='Click to upload and install a new license key.'; _c['b_key_download']='Click to download the currently installed license key.'; _c['b_key_buyonline_addons']='Click to order Control Panel add-ons.'; _c['b_key_buyonline_upgrades']='Click to order Control Panel upgrades.'; _c['b_key_buyonline_new']='Click to order a new license key.'; _c['b_key_update']='Retrieve the ordered license keys and install them.'; _c['b_key_revert']='Click to revert to the previously installed license key.'; _c['b_remove_ip']='Select IP addresses from the list and click to remove from the client\'s IP pool.'; _c['b_remove_ca']='Click to remove the CA Certificate.'; _c['b_restart_services']='Stop, start and restart Plesk services.'; _c['b_rpt_print']='Click to get a printer-friendly version of the report.'; _c['b_rpt_send_by_email']='Click to send this report by e-mail.'; _c['b_send_passwd']='Click to get password by e-mail.'; _c['b_servertrafficlist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find clients.'; _c['b_slave_servers_rm']='Click to delete the slave server(s) account(s).'; _c['b_send_mail']='Send mail to the slave servers administrators.'; _c['b_set_logo']='Set logo image and redirection URL.'; _c['b_setup_cp']='Install the certificate to the control panel.'; _c['b_server']='Set up server-wide settings.'; _c['b_master']='Create and manage slave server accounts. Retrieve information on remote Plesk slave servers.'; _c['b_master_disable']='Create and update slave server accounts. Retrieve information on remote Plesk slave servers. This feature is currently disabled because it is not supported by your license key.'; _c['b_server_pref']='Control panel interface and system preferences setup.'; _c['b_send_ca_file']='Upload the CA certificate from the specified files.'; _c['b_send_ca_text']='Upload the CA certificate from the entry field.'; _c['b_send_certs_file']='Upload the certificate parts from the specified files.'; _c['b_send_certs_text']='Upload the certificate parts from the entry fields.'; _c['b_send_skel_file']='Upload the skeleton archive file.'; _c['b_sessions']='Select Main Menu to update Lower Menu.'; _c['b_session_setup']='Change sessions parameters.'; _c['b_sessions_defaults']='Click to restore default values.'; _c['b_sessions_update']='Enter session parameters and click to update.'; _c['b_sess_rm_submit']='Click to delete sessions(s).'; _c['b_set_time']='Set system date and time.'; _c['b_set_time_virtuozzo']='Unable to set up system date/time in Virtuozzo.'; _c['b_site_app_pkg_new']='Add the Application Package to the Application Vault.'; _c['b_site_app_add_clients']='Add the site application to clients\' pools.'; _c['b_site_app_add_clients_empty']='Site application exists in all clients\' pools.'; _c['b_site_apps']='Site applications management.'; _c['b_site_apppkgs']='Application packages management.'; _c['b_site_apppkgs_pool']='Site applications management.'; _c['b_site_apppkgs_pool_add']='Click to add site application to the vault.'; _c['b_site_app_cl_rm_submit']='Click to remove the site application from clients\' pools.'; _c['b_site_apppkgs_pool_add_no_apps']='There are no site applications available.'; _c['b_site_apps_cancel']='Cancel.'; _c['b_site_apps_back']='Back.'; _c['b_site_apps_next']='Next.'; _c['b_site_apps_finish']='Finish.'; _c['b_site_apps_rm_submit']='Click to delete application(s) permanently.'; _c['b_site_apps_send_file']='Enter a new site application file name and click to upload.'; _c['b_additional_key_upload']='Click to upload a new license key.'; _c['b_additional_key_download']='Click to download the current license key.'; _c['b_additional_key_remove']='Click to remove the current license key.'; _c['b_site_builder']='Click to run SiteBuilder.'; _c['site_builder_no_permission']='You do not have permission to use SiteBuilder.'; _c['b_site_builder_no_package']='SiteBuilder is not installed.'; _c['b_site_builder_no_requires']='Unable to run the SiteBuilder as the hosting requirements are not satisfied.'; _c['b_site_builder_no_vrt_hst']='The physical hosting should be set up for the domain in order to run SiteBuilder.'; _c['b_site_builder_setup']='Run SiteBuilder (if this is the first time, the application will be configured)'; _c['b_spam_bayes_clear']='Clear the spam filter bayes database.'; _c['b_spam_settings_update']='Update the mail filter settings.'; _c['b_spam_usage_update']='Update the usage policy settings.'; _c['b_spam_blackmail_new']='Add an e-mail pattern to the black list.'; _c['b_spam_blackmail_remove']='Remove the e-mail pattern from the black list.'; _c['b_spam_whitemail_new']='Add an e-mail pattern to the white list.'; _c['b_spam_whitemail_remove']='Remove the e-mail pattern from the white list.'; _c['b_spam_ignoremail_new']='Add an e-mail pattern to the ignore list.'; _c['b_spam_ignoremail_remove']='Remove the e-mail pattern from the ignore list.'; _c['b_show_aliases']='Show aliases.'; _c['b_show_subdomains']='Show subdomains.'; _c['b_shutdown']='Shut the server down.'; _c['b_statistics']='Review server statistics.'; _c['b_system_time']='Manage system date and time.'; _c['b_support']='Contact Plesk technical support representatives.'; _c['b_summary_report']='Click to view the domains summary report.'; _c['b_subdom_hosting']='Administer and set up web hosting for the subdomain.'; _c['b_subdomains']='Create and manage subdomains.'; _c['b_traffic_history']='View traffic history.'; _c['b_set_timezone']='Click to set the time zone.'; _c['b_set_timezone_virtuozzo']='Unable to set up the timezone in Virtuozzo.'; _c['b_uninst_submit']='Click to uninstall Plesk.'; _c['b_uninst_cancel']='Click to cancel uninstalling.'; _c['b_upload_from_ftp']='Click to view the backup files stored on the FTP server.'; _c['b_ok']='Apply all changes.'; _c['b_update']='Apply all changes.'; _c['b_update_db_access']='Click to update database access parameters.'; _c['b_updateslist_search']='Enter a search pattern in the search box and click to find a specific update.'; _c['b_updateslist_show_all']='Show all available updates.'; _c['b_updateslist_install']='Install the selected updates.'; _c['b_updtntp']='Turn on/off time synchronization with the NTP server.'; _c['b_updtntp_virtuozzo']='Unable to set up time synchronization with the NTP server in Virtuozzo.'; _c['b_updtpswd']='Change Plesk administrator\'s password.'; _c['b_upload_dump']='Upload backup file to the backup repository.'; _c['b_web_apps']='Install Tomcat web applications on the domain.'; _c['b_web_apps_disabled']='Tomcat server is not installed.'; _c['b_tomcat_add']='Add a new web application.'; _c['b_web_stats']='Web server log file analysis.'; _c['b_web_stats_disable']='Web statistics are not activated or hosting is not physical.'; _c['b_web_stats_ssl']='Secure web server log file analysis.'; _c['b_web_stats_ssl_disable']='Web statistics are not activated, or secure web server is not configured, or hosting is not physical.'; _c['b_web_users']='Set up secondary web users for the domain.'; _c['b_wu_del']='Remove the web user.'; _c['b_wu_new']='Enter a new web user name and click to add.'; _c['b_wu_preferences']='Web user\'s preferences.'; _c['b_wu_rm_submit']='Click to delete the web users.'; _c['b_vhost_app_add']='Add a site application to the domain.'; _c['b_virtualdirs']='Manage virtual directories.'; _c['b_virtualdir_add']='Add new virtual directory.'; _c['b_zone_switch_master']='Switch the DNS zone type to master.'; _c['b_zone_switch_slave']='Switch the DNS zone type to slave.'; _c['b_logrotation_update']='Update log rotation configuration parameters.'; _c['b_logrotation_on']='Turn the log rotation on.'; _c['b_logrotation_off']='Turn the log rotation off.'; _c['b_dom_tmpl_add']='Create a new Domain Template.'; _c['b_cl_tmpl_add']='Create a new Client Template.'; _c['b_tmpl_update']='Update the template properties.'; _c['b_tmpl_rm_subm']='Click to delete the template(s).'; _c['b_default_cert']='Make this certificate the default one.'; _c['b_certificateslist_remove']='Delete the selected certificates.'; _c['b_certificateslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find certificates.'; _c['b_certificateslist_show_all']='Show all certificates.'; _c['b_certfileslist_download']='Click to download all certificate components.'; _c['b_clientslist_remove']='Delete the selected clients and their domains.'; _c['b_clientslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find clients.'; _c['b_clientslist_show_all']='Show all clients.'; _c['b_defaultcomponents']='Third-party Services selection.'; _c['b_defaultcomponents__update']='Confirm the selection and proceed with setting third-party services.'; _c['b_defaultcomponents__cancel']='Click to discard any changes and return to the previous page.'; _c['b_domainslist_remove']='Delete the selected domains.'; _c['b_domainslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find domains.'; _c['b_domainslist_show_all']='Show all domains.'; _c['b_domainaliaseslist_remove']='Delete the selected domain aliases.'; _c['b_domainaliaseslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find domain aliases.'; _c['b_domainaliaseslist_show_all']='Show all domain aliases.'; _c['b_dnszonelist_remove']='Delete the selected DNS records.'; _c['b_dnszonelist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find DNS records.'; _c['b_dnszonelist_show_all']='Show all DNS records.'; _c['b_dnsnslist_remove']='Delete the selected name servers.'; _c['b_dnsnslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find name servers.'; _c['b_dnsnslist_show_all']='Show all name servers.'; _c['b_dnsmasterslist_remove']='Delete the selected DNS master servers.'; _c['b_dnsmasterslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find DNS master servers.'; _c['b_dnsmasterslist_show_all']='Show all DNS master servers.'; _c['b_domainsumreplist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to search for a domain.'; _c['b_domainsumreplist_show_all']='Show all domains.'; _c['b_filelist_remove']='Delete the selected files and/or directories.'; _c['b_filelist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find files and directories.'; _c['b_filelist_show_all']='Show all files and directories.'; _c['b_filemanager__copy_move']='Select one or several files or directories and click to copy or move to another directory.'; _c['b_filemanager__touch_files']='Select one or several files or directories and click to change the timestamp.'; _c['b_filemanager__upload_file']='Enter the path to a file and click to upload it to the current directory.'; _c['b_filemanager__create_file']='Enter the file name and click to create it in the current directory.'; _c['b_filemanager__create_file_submit']='Click to save the file and changes made to it.'; _c['b_filemanager__create_dir']='Enter the directory name and click to create it in the current directory.'; _c['b_filemanager__edit_reset']='Click to restore the original file contents.'; _c['b_filemanager__edit_save']='Click to save all changes.'; _c['b_filemanager__edit_save_exit']='Click to save all changes and return to the list of files.'; _c['b_filemanager__remove_submit']='Confirm removal and click to remove the selected files.'; _c['b_filemanager__copy_file']='Specify destination and click to copy the selected files.'; _c['b_filemanager__move_file']='Specify destination and click to move the selected files.'; _c['b_filemanager__cancel']='Click to discard any changes and return to the previous page.'; _c['i_filemanager__type_pdir']='Click to go to the directory one level up.'; _c['i_filemanager__type_dir']='Click to go inside the directory.'; _c['i_filemanager__type_text']='Click to view the text file contents.'; _c['i_filemanager__type_image']='Click to view the image'; _c['i_filemanager__type_audio']='Audio file.'; _c['i_filemanager__type_security']='Apache security file.'; _c['i_filemanager__type_webscript']='Webscript page file.'; _c['i_filemanager__type_wappage']='WAP page file.'; _c['i_filemanager__type_webpage']='Web page file.'; _c['i_filemanager__type_compressed']='Compressed file.'; _c['i_filemanager__type_unknown_text']='Unknown file type (text data).'; _c['i_filemanager__type_unknown_binary']='Unknown file type (binary data).'; _c['i_filemanager__wysiwyg']='Click to edit the file in WYSIWYG editor.'; _c['i_filemanager__wysiwyg_disabled']='Editing the file in WYSIWYG editor requires Internet Explorer version 5.5 or higher.'; _c['i_filemanager__chmod']='Click to change access rights to the file or directory.'; _c['i_filemanager__rename']='Click to change the file or directory name.'; _c['i_filemanager__edit']='Click to edit the file.'; _c['i_filemanager__show']='Click to view the file.'; _c['i_filemanager__preview']='Click to access the file via browser.'; _c['b_custombuttonslist_remove']='Delete the selected custom buttons.'; _c['b_custombuttonslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find custom buttons.'; _c['b_custombuttonslist_show_all']='Show all custom buttons.'; _c['b_mailnamealiaseslist_remove']='Delete the selected mail aliases.'; _c['b_mailnamealiaseslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find mail aliases.'; _c['b_mailnamealiaseslist_show_all']='Show all mail aliases.'; _c['b_mailnameslist_remove']='Delete the selected mail names.'; _c['b_mailnameslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find mail names.'; _c['b_mailnameslist_show_all']='Show all mail names.'; _c['b_mailnamefileslist_remove']='Delete the selected files.'; _c['b_mailnamefileslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find files.'; _c['b_mailnamefileslist_show_all']='Show all files.'; _c['b_mailnameresponderattachmentslist_remove']='Delete the selected attachments.'; _c['b_mailnameresponderattachmentslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find attachments.'; _c['b_mailnameresponderattachmentslist_show_all']='Show all attachments.'; _c['b_mailnameresponderslist_remove']='Delete the selected autoresponders.'; _c['b_mailnameresponderslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find autoresponders.'; _c['b_mailnameresponderslist_show_all']='Show all autoresponders.'; _c['b_mailnameredirectsaddlist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find addresses.'; _c['b_mailnameredirectsaddlist_show_all']='Show all addresses.'; _c['b_mailnameredirectslist_remove']='Delete the selected addresses.'; _c['b_mailnameredirectslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find addresses.'; _c['b_mailnameredirectslist_show_all']='Show all addresses.'; _c['b_ipdomainslist_default']='Set the selected domain as default.'; _c['b_ipdomainslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find domains.'; _c['b_ipdomainslist_show_all']='Show all domains.'; _c['b_ipclientslist_remove']='Remove the selected IP addresses from the client pools.'; _c['b_ipclientslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find clients.'; _c['b_ipclientslist_show_all']='Show all clients.'; _c['b_masterslist_remove']='Delete the selected DNS master servers.'; _c['b_masterslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find the DNS master server.'; _c['b_masterslist_show_all']='Show all DNS master servers.'; _c['b_protecteddirslist_remove']='Remove protection from the selected directories.'; _c['b_protecteddirslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find protected directories.'; _c['b_protecteddirslist_show_all']='Show all protected directories.'; _c['b_protecteddiruserslist_remove']='Delete the selected users of protected directory.'; _c['b_protecteddiruserslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find protected directory users.'; _c['b_protecteddiruserslist_show_all']='Show all users of this protected directory.'; _c['b_skinslist_remove']='Delete the selected skins.'; _c['b_skinslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find skins.'; _c['b_skinslist_show_all']='Show all skins.'; _c['b_databaseslist_remove']='Delete the selected databases.'; _c['b_databaseslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find databases.'; _c['b_databaseslist_show_all']='Show all databases.'; _c['b_virtualdirslist_remove']='Delete the selected virtual directories.'; _c['b_virtualdirslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find virtual directories.'; _c['b_virtualdirslist_show_all']='Show all virtual directories.'; _c['b_ippoollist_remove']='Delete the selected IP addresses from the pool.'; _c['b_ippoollist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find IP addresses.'; _c['b_ippoollist_show_all']='Show all IP addresses.'; _c['b_ipaddrlist_remove']='Remove selected IP addresses.'; _c['b_ipaddrlist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find IP addresses.'; _c['b_ipaddrlist_show_all']='Show all IP addresses.'; _c['b_databaseuserslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find database users.'; _c['b_databaseuserslist_remove']='Delete the selected database users.'; _c['b_databaseuserslist_show_all']='Show all users of this database.'; _c['b_webuserslist_remove']='Delete the selected web users.'; _c['b_webuserslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find web users.'; _c['b_webuserslist_show_all']='Show all web users.'; _c['b_templateslist_remove']='Delete the selected templates.'; _c['b_templateslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find templates.'; _c['b_templateslist_show_all']='Show all templates.'; _c['b_sessionslist_remove']='Delete the selected sessions.'; _c['b_sessionslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find sessions.'; _c['b_sessionslist_show_all']='Show all sessions.'; _c['b_subdom_performance']='Manage subdomain performance.'; _c['b_subdomainslist_remove']='Delete the selected subdomains.'; _c['b_subdomainslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find subdomains.'; _c['b_subdomainslist_show_all']='Show all subdomains.'; _c['b_subdomainslist_new']='Click to add a subdomain.'; _c['b_subdomainslist_limit_reached']='The limit on number of subdomains has been reached.'; _c['b_subdomainslist_no_permissions']='No permissions to add subdomain.'; _c['b_subdomainslist_remove_submit']='Click to remove all selected subdomains.'; _c['b_logfileslist_remove']='Delete the selected log files. You can delete only processed log files.'; _c['b_logfileslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find log files by filename.'; _c['b_logfileslist_show_all']='Show all log files.'; _c['b_logfileslist_download']='Click to download the log file.'; _c['b_servers_list_refresh']='Refresh servers information.'; _c['b_servers_list_add']='Add a new server account.'; _c['b_servers_list_add_limit']='Unable to add a new server account: the limit on number of slave server accounts has been reached.'; _c['b_serverslist_write_mailmsg']='Write a mail message to the slave servers administrators.'; _c['b_serverslist_remove']='Delete the selected slave servers accounts.'; _c['b_serverslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find slave servers.'; _c['b_serverslist_show_all']='Show all slave servers.'; _c['b_serverslist_enter']='Click to login to the slave server.'; _c['b_server_traffic']='Server traffic.'; _c['b_eventhandlerslist_remove']='Delete the selected event handlers.'; _c['b_eventhandlerslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find event handler.'; _c['b_eventhandlerslist_show_all']='Show all event handlers.'; _c['b_servermailblockeddomainslist_remove']='Delete the selected domains from blocked domains list.'; _c['b_servermailblockeddomainslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find blocked domains.'; _c['b_servermailblockeddomainslist_show_all']='Show all blocked domains.'; _c['b_servermailwhitelistlist_remove']='Delete the selected entries from the white list.'; _c['b_servermailwhitelistlist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find the white list entries.'; _c['b_servermailwhitelistlist_show_all']='Show all blocked domains.'; _c['b_slave_server_to_servers_list']='Go to the list of slave servers.'; _c['b_slave_server_cert']='Install slave server\'s public certificate to the master server in order to secure the connection.'; _c['b_slave_server_update']='Update slave server account information.'; _c['b_slave_server_refresh']='Refresh slave server account information.'; _c['b_slave_server_login']='Login to the slave server.'; _c['b_slave_server_cert_uplevel']='Go to slave server account information page.'; _c['b_slave_server_send_cert_file']='Upload the certificate file to the slave server.'; _c['b_slave_server_send_cert_text']='Upload the certificate text.'; _c['b_tomcat_turn_on']='Run Tomcat.'; _c['b_tomcat_turn_off']='Stop Tomcat.'; _c['b_webappslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find web application.'; _c['b_webappslist_remove']='Click to delete the selected Tomcat web applications.'; _c['b_webappslist_show_all']='Show all web applications.'; _c['b_webappslist__remove_submit']='Click to remove all selected web applications.'; _c['b_anon_on']='Activate Anonymous FTP for the domain.'; _c['b_anon_off']='Deactivate Anonymous FTP for the domain.'; _c['b_maillists']='Click to edit mailing lists.'; _c['b_maillist_new']='Click to create mailing list.'; _c['b_maillistslist_remove']='Click to remove the selected mailing lists.'; _c['b_maillist_edit']='Click to access the mailing list administration page.'; _c['b_maillist_turn_on_off']='Click to change the mailing list state.'; _c['b_maillists_on']='Activate the mailing lists service.'; _c['b_maillists_off']='Deactivate mailing lists service.'; _c['b_maillist_off_disabled']='Disabling mailing lists is not supported by the current mail server.'; _c['b_maillists_invert_on_off']='Click to change the state of the selected mailing lists.'; _c['b_maillist_new_update']='Click to add a mailing list.'; _c['b_maillistslist_show_all']='Show all mailing lists.'; _c['b_maillistslist_search']='Enter a pattern and click to find mailing lists.'; _c['b_maillists__remove_submit']='Click to remove mailing lists.'; _c['b_maillist_member_new']='Click to add a mailing list subscriber.'; _c['b_maillistmemberslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find a mailing list subscribers.'; _c['b_maillistmemberslist_show_all']='Show all mailing list subscribers.'; _c['b_maillistmemberslist_remove']='Click to remove the selected mailing list subscribers.'; _c['b_dumpslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find backup files.'; _c['b_dumpslist_show_all']='Show all domain backup files.'; _c['b_dumpslist_remove']='Click to remove the selected backup files.'; _c['b_rpt_customize']='Click to customize the report layouts.'; _c['b_rpt_add']='Click to create a new report layout.'; _c['b_rpt_rm_submit']='Click to delete report layout(s).'; _c['b_clientreportslist_remove']='Delete the selected report layouts.'; _c['b_clientreportslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find reports.'; _c['b_clientreportslist_show_all']='Show all reports.'; _c['b_domainreportslist_remove']='Delete the selected report layouts.'; _c['b_domainreportslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find reports.'; _c['b_domainreportslist_show_all']='Show all reports.'; _c['b_dnstemplatelist_search']='Search in the DNS template.'; _c['b_dnstemplatelist_show_all']='Display all DNS template records.'; _c['b_odbc_dsn_add']='Add ODBC data source.'; _c['b_odbc_new_finish']='Complete ODBC data source name configuration.'; _c['b_odbc_new_test']='Try to connect to the data source with current parameters.'; _c['b_odbc_new_chk']='Check the currently defined settings.'; _c['b_dsnlist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find matching data source names.'; _c['b_dsnlist_show_all']='Show all data source names.'; _c['b_dsnlist_remove']='Delete the selected data source names.'; _c['b_odbc_rm_submit']='Click to delete data source names permanently.'; _c['b_remove_cancel']='Click to cancel removal.'; _c['b_ftpsessionslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find FTP sessions.'; _c['b_ftpsessionslist_show_all']='Show all FTP sessions.'; _c['b_ftpsessionslist_remove']='End the selected FTP sessions.'; _c['b_dom_performance_edit']='Manage the domain performance.'; _c['b_dom_performance_readonly']='View the domain performance settings.'; _c['b_subdom_performance_edit']='Manage the subdomain performance.'; _c['b_subdom_performance_readonly']='View the subdomain performance settings.'; _c['b_to_admin']='Return to managing the Help Desk.'; _c['b_to_admin_list']='Return to the list of tickets.'; _c['b_to_aliases']='Return to the Mail Aliases management page.'; _c['b_to_autoinstaller_components']='Return to the Components Selection page.'; _c['b_to_autoinstaller_releases']='Return to the Release Selection page.'; _c['b_to_cats']='Return to the list of categories.'; _c['b_to_cert']='Return to Certificate management.'; _c['b_to_custom_buttons']='Return to the Custom Buttons setup and management page.'; _c['b_to_cl_traffic']='Return to the Client\'s Traffic.'; _c['b_to_cl_templates']='Return to the Client\'s Templates list page.'; _c['b_to_cl_pref']='Return to the Client\'s Preferences page.'; _c['b_to_client']='Return to the list of tickets.'; _c['b_to_comp_info']='Return to the Plesk Components Management.'; _c['b_to_dom_rep']='Return to the Domain Information page.'; _c['b_to_filemanager']='Return to the File Manager page.'; _c['b_to_server_traffic']='Return to the Server\'s Traffic page.'; _c['b_to_subdomains']='Return to the subdomains list.'; _c['b_to_sessions']='Return to Sessions.'; _c['b_to_sapp_pool']='Return to Site Applications.'; _c['b_to_sapp_clients']='Return to the list of clients having this site application available for their domains.'; _c['b_to_db_list']='Return to the databases list.'; _c['b_to_dumps_list']='Return to the Domain Backup Files Repository.'; _c['b_to_db_usr_lst']='Return to the database users list.'; _c['b_to_dns_template']='Return to the DNS template records list.'; _c['b_to_event_handlers']='Return to managing event handlers.'; _c['b_to_log_files']='Return to the log files list.'; _c['b_to_log_rotation']='Return to Log Rotation preferences.'; _c['b_to_domains']='Return to the domains list.'; _c['to_domain_aliases']='Return to the Domain Aliases page'; _c['b_to_clients']='Return to the clients list.'; _c['b_to_client_home']='Return to the client\'s home page.'; _c['b_to_cp_access']='Return to the IP Access Restriction management page.'; _c['b_to_crontab_unix']='Return to the Crontab management page.'; _c['b_to_crontab_win']='Return to the Scheduler management page.'; _c['b_to_dns']='Return to the DNS zone.'; _c['b_to_dom_ctrl']='Return to the Domain Administration page.'; _c['b_to_report']='Return to the Information page.'; _c['b_to_report_auto']='Return to managing the Delivery Schedules.'; _c['b_to_license_management']='Return to the License management.'; _c['b_to_mail']='Return to configuring server-wide mail preferences.'; _c['b_to_maillists']='Return to the Mailing Lists management.'; _c['b_to_maillist_members']='Return to managing Mailing List Subscribers.'; _c['b_to_mail_names']='Return to managing Mail Names.'; _c['b_to_mail_name_edit']='Return to managing Mail Name.'; _c['b_to_mail_name_files']='Return to Mail Name Attachments Repository.'; _c['b_to_mail_name_mail_group']='Return to managing Mail Group.'; _c['b_to_mail_name_responders']='Return to managing Autoresponders.'; _c['b_to_mail_name_resp_edit']='Return to editing Autoresponder properties.'; _c['b_to_mail_name_resp_attach_add']='Return to creating a new attachment.'; _c['b_to_mail_name_redirects']='Return to managing Mail Redirects.'; _c['b_to_mimetypes']='Return to managing MIME Types.'; _c['b_to_mail_blocked_domains']='Return to managing Black List entries.'; _c['b_to_mail_white_list']='Return to managing White List entries.'; _c['b_to_notifications']='Return to editing Notifications.'; _c['b_to_server']='Return to the Server Administration page.'; _c['b_to_server_info']='Return to the Slave Server profile.'; _c['b_to_servers_list']='Return to the list of slave server accounts.'; _c['b_to_spamassassin']='Return to the Spam Filter configuration.'; _c['b_to_skins']='Return to managing Skins.'; _c['b_to_scheduler']='Return to the Scheduler Management page.'; _c['b_to_subdom_ctrl']='Return to the Subdomain Administration page.'; _c['b_to_prtdir_edit']='Return to the Password-Protected Directory Management page.'; _c['b_to_prtd_dirs']='Return to the list of password-protected directories.'; _c['b_to_prs']='Return to Priorities.'; _c['b_to_responders']='Return to managing Autoresponders.'; _c['b_to_virtualdirs']='Return to managing Virtual Directories.'; _c['b_to_virtualdir_edit']='Return to the previous Virtual Directory.'; _c['b_to_virtualdir_root']='Return to the list of virtual directories.'; _c['b_to_web_users']='Return to the list of web users.'; _c['b_to_web_apps']='Return to Web Applications management.'; _c['b_to_cl_rep']='Return to the Client\'s Information.'; _c['b_to_report_list']='Return to the Custom Report Layouts page.'; _c['b_to_log_files_list']='Return to Log Files management.'; _c['b_to_cl_pool']='Return to IP Pool management.'; _c['b_to_db']='Return to Databases management.'; _c['b_to_db_edit']='Return to Database Users management.'; _c['b_to_dom_templates']='Return to Domain Templates management.'; _c['b_to_dom_sum_report']='Return to Domain Summary Report.'; _c['b_to_statistics']='Return to Ttraffic Statistics.'; _c['b_to_odbc']='Return to ODBC management.'; _c['b_to_ip_aliasing']='Return to IP Addresses management.'; _c['b_to_qus']='Return to the list of queues.'; _c['b_to_site_apps']='Return to the list of site applications.'; _c['b_to_site_app_pkgs']='Return to the Application Vault.'; _c['b_to_siteapppackage_info']='Return to the Site Application properties.'; _c['b_to_additional_key_info']='Return to the License Key properties.'; _c['b_to_additional_key_properties']='Return to the License Key properties.'; _c['b_tts']='Help Desk.'; _c['b_tts_general_config']='Configure Help Desk.'; _c['b_tts_global_list']='Slave servers\' Help Desk.'; _c['b_tts_mail_gate_on']='Enable the Help Desk\'s mail gate.'; _c['b_tts_mail_gate_off']='Disable the Help Desk\'s mail gate.'; _c['b_tts_queues']='Manage ticket queues.'; _c['b_tts_priorities']='Manage ticket priorities.'; _c['b_tts_cats']='Manage ticket categories.'; _c['b_tts_mail_gate']='Configure mail gate for Help Desk.'; _c['b_tts_tickets_all']='Show all tickets.'; _c['b_tts_tickets_allopened']='Show all opened tickets.'; _c['b_tts_tickets_new']='Show new tickets.'; _c['b_tts_tickets_reopened']='Show reopened tickets.'; _c['b_tts_tickets_closed']='Show closed tickets.'; _c['b_tts_on']='Activate Help Desk.'; _c['b_tts_off']='Deactivate Help Desk.'; _c['b_ttsadminticketslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find tickets.'; _c['b_ttsadminticketslist_show_all']='Show all tickets.'; _c['b_ttsclientticketslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find tickets.'; _c['b_ttsclientticketslist_show_all']='Show all tickets.'; _c['b_ttscatslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find categories.'; _c['b_ttscatslist_show_all']='Show all categories.'; _c['b_ttscatslist_remove']='Remove selected categories.'; _c['b_ttsgllist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find servers.'; _c['b_ttsgllist_show_all']='Show all servers.'; _c['b_ttsprslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find priorities.'; _c['b_ttsprslist_show_all']='Show all priorities.'; _c['b_ttsprslist_remove']='Remove selected priorities.'; _c['b_ttsquslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find queues.'; _c['b_ttsquslist_show_all']='Show all queues.'; _c['b_ttsquslist_remove']='Remove selected queues.'; _c['b_components_choice_default']='Change default component for this feature.'; _c['b_components_configure']='Set up configuration\'s parameters for this component.'; _c['i_db_conn_none']='This feature is currently disabled because your license key does not support it or the service is not installed.'; _c['i_db_conn_ok']='Connection to the database is established.'; _c['i_db_conn_att']='The database is not started or incorrect login and password supplied.'; _c['i_db_conn_stopped']='The database is not started.'; _c['i_db_conn_login_failed']='Incorrect database login or password supplied.'; _c['i_drweb_off']='Antivirus checking is not enabled for the mail name.'; _c['i_drweb_any']='Antivirus checking is enabled for outgoing/incoming mail.'; _c['i_drweb_from']='Antivirus checking is enabled for outgoing mail.'; _c['i_drweb_to']='Antivirus checking is enabled for incoming mail.'; _c['i_drweb_turn_key']='Antivirus is not supported by the license key.'; _c['i_drweb_turn_perm']='You do not have the permission to manage Antivirus.'; _c['i_drweb_turn_install']='Antivirus is not installed.'; _c['i_drweb_turn_pref']='Click to manage antivirus preferences.'; _c['i_cert_csr']='CSR part supplied.'; _c['i_cert_nocsr']='CSR part not supplied.'; _c['i_cert_pvt_key']='Private key part supplied.'; _c['i_cert_nopvt_key']='Private key part not supplied.'; _c['i_cert_cert']='Certificate part supplied.'; _c['i_cert_nocert']='Certificate part not supplied.'; _c['i_cert_ca_cert']='CA Certificate part supplied.'; _c['i_cert_noca_cert']='CA Certificate part not supplied.'; _c['i_cl_ok']='Resource usage of the client is within limits.'; _c['i_cl_!']='Resource usage of the client is exceeding limits.'; _c['i_cl_on']='Client is active.'; _c['i_cl_off']='Client is inactive.'; _c['i_cl_off_by_admin']='Client account is disabled by administrator.'; _c['i_cl_off_expired']='Client account is expired.'; _c['i_crontab_unix_status_enabled']='Crontab task is enabled.'; _c['i_crontab_unix_status_disabled']='Crontab task is disabled.'; _c['i_crontab_unix_status_disabled_by_parent']='Crontab task is disabled as the domain is turned off.'; _c['i_crontab_win_status_enabled']='Scheduler task is enabled.'; _c['i_crontab_win_status_disabled']='Scheduler task is disabled.'; _c['i_crontab_win_status_disabled_by_parent']='Scheduler task is disabled as the domain is turned off.'; _c['i_scheduler_status_enabled']='Scheduler task is enabled.'; _c['i_scheduler_status_disabled']='Scheduler task is disabled.'; _c['i_scheduler_status_disabled_by_parent']='Scheduler task is disabled as the domain is turned off.'; _c['i_scheduler_change_status']='Click to change the task status.'; _c['i_custom_button_public']='Custom button is visible to users.'; _c['i_custom_button_non_public']='Custom button is invisible to users.'; _c['i_custom_button_place_navigation']='Custom button is located in the navigation pane.'; _c['i_custom_button_place_client']='Custom button is located on the client home page'; _c['i_custom_button_place_domain']='Custom button is located on the domain administration page.'; _c['i_custom_errors_del']='Click to remove the item from the list.'; _c['i_custom_errors_del_disabled']='Removing server default custom errors is unavailable.'; _c['i_open_subdomain']='Click to access the subdomain via browser.'; _c['i_open_domain']='Click to access the domain via browser.'; _c['i_open_domain_disabled']='The domain has no hosting configured.'; _c['i_dom_ok']='Domain is all right.'; _c['i_dom_tmpl__owner_admin']='The template created by administrator'; _c['i_dom_tmpl__owner_client']='The template created by client.'; _c['i_click_to_report']='Click to view and/or e-mail a brief report.'; _c['i_dns_on']='DNS zone is enabled.'; _c['i_dns_off']='DNS zone is disabled.'; _c['i_click_to_dom_on_off']='Click to activate/deactivate the domain.'; _c['i_click_to_maillist_on_off']='Click to activate/deactivate the mailing list.'; _c['i_click_to_cl_on_off']='Click to activate/deactivate the client account and all related domains.'; _c['i_cp_access_on']='The mail name access to the control panel is enabled.'; _c['i_cp_access_off']='The mail name access to the control panel is disabled.'; _c['i_cp_access_turn_pref']='Click to configure mail name.'; _c['i_dom_!']='Disk space and/or traffic limits are exceeded for the domain.'; _c['i_dom_on']='Domain is active.'; _c['i_dom_off']='Domain is inactive.'; _c['i_dom_off_by_admin']='Domain is disabled by administrator.'; _c['i_dom_off_by_reseller']='Domain is disabled by reseller.'; _c['i_dom_off_by_client']='Domain is disabled by client.'; _c['i_dom_off_expired']='Domain is expired.'; _c['i_dom_off_with_parent']='Client is disabled along with their domain.'; _c['i_dom_off_backup_restore']='Domain is temporarily disabled for backup/restoring.'; _c['i_log_rot_enabled']='Log rotation is enabled.'; _c['i_log_rot_disabled']='Log rotation is disabled.'; _c['i_log_rot_disabled_by_parent']='Log rotation is disabled because the domain has been disabled.'; _c['i_mail_group_on']='Mail group enabled.'; _c['i_mail_group_off']='Mail group disabled.'; _c['i_mail_group_turn_pref']='Click to manage the mail group.'; _c['i_spamfilter_on']='Spam filtering is enabled.'; _c['i_spamfilter_off']='Spam filtering is disabled.'; _c['i_spamfilter_turn_pref']='Click to manage spam filtering preferences.'; _c['i_spamfilter_turn_srv']='Administrator has disabled user-configured spam filtering.'; _c['i_spamfilter_turn_key']='Spam Filter is not supported by the license key.'; _c['i_additional_key_free']='Distributed freely. No license key required.'; _c['i_additional_key_ok']='The required license key is installed.'; _c['i_additional_key_problem']='The required license key is not installed.'; _c['i_additional_key_info']='Click the icon to access the license key management functions.'; _c['i_additional_key_download']='Click to download the license key.'; _c['i_maillist_enabled']='Mailing list is enabled.'; _c['i_maillist_disabled']='Mailing list is disabled.'; _c['i_maillist_disabled_with_parent']='Mailing list is not available because the mailing list service is disabled.'; _c['i_maillist_edit']='Click to manage the mailing list via web interface.'; _c['i_maillist_no_webadmin']='The server does not support administration via web interface.'; _c['i_mailto']='Send an e-mail message to this mail name.'; _c['i_vcard']='Add person to your Address Book.'; _c['i_note_edit']='Edit notice text.'; _c['i_redirect_on']='Mail redirect is enabled.'; _c['i_redirect_off']='Mail redirect is disabled.'; _c['i_redirect_turn_pref']='Click to manage mail redirect properties.'; _c['i_mail_resp_on']='The autoresponder is enabled.'; _c['i_mail_resp_off']='The autoresponder is disabled.'; _c['i_mail_resp_att']='All autoresponders for the mail name are disabled.'; _c['i_mail_resps_on']='All autoresponders for the mail name are enabled.'; _c['i_mail_resps_off']='All autoresponders for the mail name are disabled.'; _c['i_mail_resps_turn_pref']='Manage autoresponders.'; _c['i_report_auto_on']='This report is scheduled for delivery.'; _c['i_report_auto_off']='This report is not delivered automatically.'; _c['i_report_auto_click']='Click to manage report delivery schedule.'; _c['i_tts_mail_gate_on']='Help Desk mail gate is enabled.'; _c['i_tts_mail_gate_off']='Help Desk mail gate is disabled.'; _c['i_tts_hev_created_by__']='Commented by '; _c['i_tts_creator_client']='Client'; _c['i_tts_creator_admin']='Administrator'; _c['i_tts_creator_domain']='Domain user'; _c['i_tts_creator_mailname']='Mail user'; _c['i_tts_creator_email']='E-Mail'; _c['i_type_adm']='Admin session.'; _c['i_type_res']='Reseller session.'; _c['i_type_cli']='Client session.'; _c['i_type_dom']='Domain owner session.'; _c['i_type_mus']='Mail user session.'; _c['i_anonftp_on']='Anonymous FTP account for the domain is enabled.'; _c['i_anonftp_off']='Anonymous FTP account for the domain is disabled.'; _c['i_sapp_switch_access_level']='Click to switch Free/Commercial site application access level.'; _c['i_sapp_access_level_commercial']='Commercial: customers have to buy this application to be able to use it.'; _c['i_sapp_access_level_free']='Free of charge: all customers can use this application.'; _c['i_sapp_help']='See help for this site application.'; _c['i_sapp_help_unav']='Help for this application is unavailable.'; _c['i_sapp_open']='Access the site application\'s main page.'; _c['i_sapp_open_disabled']='Site Application URL is not configured.'; _c['i_sapp_reconfigure']='Reconfigure the Site Application.'; _c['i_sapp_reconfigure_disabled']='Reconfiguring of the Site Application is unavailable.'; _c['i_sapp_ssl']='Site Application is installed in SSL directory.'; _c['i_sapp_non_ssl']='Site Application is installed in Non-SSL directory.'; _c['i_serv_none']='Service is not installed.'; _c['i_serv_not_configured']='Service is not configured.'; _c['i_serv_on']='Service is running.'; _c['i_serv_off']='Service is not running.'; _c['i_serv_up']='Start the service.'; _c['i_serv_up_dis']='Service is already running.'; _c['i_serv_down']='Stop the service.'; _c['i_serv_down_dis']='Service is already stopped.'; _c['i_serv_up_n_down']='Restart the service.'; _c['i_serv_drweb_up_dis']='In order to start the Antivirus service you should have at least one mailbox with antivirus checking enabled.'; _c['i_serv_up_n_down_dis']='Service is stopped.'; _c['i_serv_key_dsbld_not_inst']='This feature is currently disabled because your license key does not support it, or the service is not installed or properly configured.'; _c['i_skin_download']='Click to download the skin.'; _c['i_tomcat_on']='Tomcat is running.'; _c['i_tomcat_off']='Tomcat is stopped.'; _c['i_tomcat_off_with_parent']='Tomcat is not running as the domain is disabled.'; _c['i_virtualdirs_read_enabled']='Virtual directory Read permission is enabled.'; _c['i_virtualdirs_read_disabled']='Virtual directory Read permission is disabled.'; _c['i_virtualdirs_write_enabled']='Virtual directory Write permission is enabled.'; _c['i_virtualdirs_write_disabled']='Virtual directory Write permission is disabled.'; _c['i_virtualdirs_source_enabled']='Virtual directory Script source access permission is enabled.'; _c['i_virtualdirs_source_disabled']='Virtual directory Script source access permission is disabled.'; _c['i_virtualdirs_browse_enabled']='Virtual directory Directory browsing permission is enabled.'; _c['i_virtualdirs_browse_disabled']='Virtual directory Directory browsing permission is disabled.'; _c['i_virtualdirs_change_status']='Click to turn permission On/Off.'; _c['i_web_app_started']='Tomcat web application is running.'; _c['i_web_app_not_started']='Tomcat web application is stopped.'; _c['i_web_app_problem']='Actual status of the Tomcat web application does not correspond to the status described in the database.'; _c['i_web_app_down']='Stop the Tomcat web application.'; _c['i_web_app_up']='Start the Tomcat web application.'; _c['i_web_app_restart']='Restart the Tomcat web application.'; _c['webdirs']='Web directories management'; _c['webdirs_remove']='Web directories removal confirmation'; _c['webdir_preferences']='Web Directory Preferences'; _c['webdir_protection']='Manage directory protection'; _c['webdir_mime_types']='MIME types for current directory'; _c['webdir_mime_types_remove']='MIME types removal confirmation'; _c['webdir_mime_type_edit']='Web directory MIME type edit page.'; _c['webdir_error_docs']='Custom error documents'; _c['webdir_error_doc_edit']='Web directory error document edit page.'; _c['b_webdir_protection_enable']='Enable web directory protection.'; _c['b_webdir_protection_disable']='Disable web directory protection.'; _c['b_webdir_protection_disabled']='Web directory protection is disabled.'; _c['l_webdirslist_type']='Sort web directories by type.'; _c['l_webdirslist_protected']='Sort web directories by protection status'; _c['l_webdirslist_name']='Sort web directories by name'; _c['b_webdirslist_remove']='Delete the selected web directories.'; _c['b_webdirslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find web directories.'; _c['b_webdirslist_show_all']='Show all web directories.'; _c['l_webdirerrordocslist_code']='Sort error documents by error number'; _c['l_webdirerrordocslist_name']='Sort error documents by description'; _c['l_webdirerrordocslist_type']='Sort error documents by type'; _c['l_webdirerrordocslist_location']='Sort error documents by location'; _c['b_webdirerrordocslist_remove']='Delete selected error documents.'; _c['b_webdirerrordocslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find error documents.'; _c['b_webdirerrordocslist_show_all']='Show all error documents.'; _c['l_webdirmimetypeslist_name']='Sort MIME types by extension'; _c['l_webdirmimetypeslist_content']='Sort MIME types by content'; _c['b_webdirmimetypeslist_remove']='Delete selected MIME types.'; _c['b_webdirmimetypeslist_search']='Enter search pattern and click to find MIME types.'; _c['b_webdirmimetypeslist_show_all']='Show all MIME types.'; _c['b_webdir_preferences']='Web directory preferences.'; _c['b_webdir_permissions']='Web directory permissions.'; _c['b_webdir_permissions_disabled']='The web directory permissions management is unavailable.'; _c['b_to_webdirs']='Return to the Web Directories page'; _c['b_to_webdir_mime_types']='Return to web directory MIME types management page.'; _c['b_to_webdir_error_docs']='Return to web directory error documents management page.'; _c['b_to_webdir_protection']='Return to web directory protection management page.'; _c['b_show_additional_users']='Extends the list of users/user\'s groups showing users with non-defined permissions.'; _c['b_hide_additional_users']='Reduces the list of users/user\'s groups hiding users with non-defined permissions.'; _c['i_webdirs_not_protected']='Directory is not protected'; _c['i_webdirs_protected']='Directory is protected'; _c['i_webdirs_manage_protection']='Click to manage protection.'; _c['i_webdirs_open']='Open in browser'; _c['i_webdirs_preferences']='Manage web directory preferences'; _c['i_webdirs_preferences_disabled']='It is not virtual directory.'; _c['i_webdirs_permissions']='Click to manage permissions.'; _c['i_webdirs_permissions_disabled']='The web directory permissions management is unavailable.'; _c['i_webdirs_type_dir']='Physical directory'; _c['i_webdirs_type_vdir']='Virtual directory'; _c['i_webdirs_browse']='Click to browse the directory contents.'; _c['i_dsmail_status_with_parent']='Mail service is disabled along with the domain.'; _c['i_dsmail_status_status']='Mail service is disabled.'; _c['i_dsmail_status_active']='Mail service is active.'; _c['i_dsmail_status_admin']='Mail service is disabled by administrator.'; _c['i_dsmail_status_client']='Mail service is disabled by client.'; _c['i_dsmail_status_unknown']='Mail service state is unknown.'; _c['i_dsmaillists_status_active']='Mailing list service is enabled.'; _c['i_dsmaillists_status_status']='Mailing list service is disabled.'; _c['i_dsmaillists_status_admin']='Mailing list service is disabled by administrator.'; _c['i_dsmaillists_status_client']='Mailing list service is disabled by client.'; _c['i_dsmaillists_status_with_parent']='Mailing list service is disabled along with the domain.'; _c['i_dsmaillists_status_unknown']='Actual state of mailing list service is unknown.'; _c['i_ip_ok']='IP address functions properly.'; _c['i_ip_fail']='IP address does not present in the interface.'; _c['i_ip_sh']='Shared type IP address.'; _c['i_ip_excl']='Exclusive type IP address.'; _c['i_ip_change_type']='Click to change type of IP address.'; _c['i_ip_repair']='Click to repair IP.'; _c['i_postbox_on']='Mailbox enabled.'; _c['i_postbox_off']='Mailbox disabled.'; _c['i_postbox_turn_pref']='Click to manage mailbox.'; _c['i_prtd_ssl']='SSL directory is password-protected.'; _c['i_prtd_no_ssl']='SSL directory is not password-protected.'; _c['i_prtd_nonssl']='Non-SSL directory is password-protected.'; _c['i_prtd_no_nonssl']='Non-SSL directory is not password-protected.'; _c['i_htype_none']='No hosting set up.'; _c['i_htype_vrt_hst']='Physical hosting.'; _c['i_htype_frm_fwd']='Frame forwarding.'; _c['i_htype_std_fwd']='Standard forwarding.'; _c['i_click_to_hosting']='Click to proceed to the hosting setup page.'; _c['i_tts_on']='Help Desk is enabled'; _c['i_tts_off']='Help Desk is disabled'; _c['i_dsn_configured']='DSN is configured.'; _c['i_dsn_not_configured']='DSN is not configured.'; _c['i_dsn_system']='It is a system DSN.'; _c['i_ftp_ses_domain']='Domain user session.'; _c['i_ftp_ses_sub_domain']='Subdomain user session.'; _c['i_ftp_ses_web_user']='Web user session.'; _c['i_ftp_ses_anonymous']='Anonymous FTP user session.'; _c['i_ftp_ses_not_plesk']='FTP users not registered in the control panel.'; _c['i_ftp_ses_idle']='The last command sent by client is IDLE.'; _c['i_ftp_ses_upload']='The last command sent by client is UPLOAD.'; _c['i_ftp_ses_download']='The last command sent by client is DOWNLOAD.'; _c['i_ftp_ses_list']='The last command sent by client is LIST.'; _c['i_ftp_ses_not_know']='The last command sent by client is of unknown type.'; _c['admin_ed']='Administrator information page.'; _c['anonftp']='Set up Anonymous FTP feature on this page.'; _c['actionlog']='Manage Action Log settings.'; _c['apply_globalchanges']='Group operations result. This page displays the list of rejected changes and the reasons why they were not applied.'; _c['aspdotnet']='Edit server-wide ASP.NET configuration settings.'; _c['aspdotnet_dom']='Edit domain ASP.NET configuration settings.'; _c['aspdotnet_subdom']='Edit subdomain ASP.NET configuration settings.'; _c['auto_updates']='Available Plesk updates.'; _c['autoinstaller_releases']='Select the desired release name to access the list of available components.'; _c['autoinstaller_components']='Select the required components and click Install to install them.'; _c['autoinstaller_install']='Please confirm the installation and click OK to begin.'; _c['autoinstaller_configure']='Updater settings.'; _c['backup_dialog']='You can back up the domain on this page. Created backup file can be placed either on a remote FTP server or in the backups repository of this domain, or it can be downloaded to the local disk.'; _c['card']='Edit personal information.'; _c['cat_edit']='Category set up page.'; _c['cats']='This page displays the list of ticket\'s categories.'; _c['cert']='Certificate repository.'; _c['cert_dom']='Certificate repository.'; _c['cert_add']='Add a new certificate.'; _c['cert_add_dom']='Add a new certificate.'; _c['cert_edit']='Certificate editing page.'; _c['cl_ed']='Editing the client\'s information.'; _c['cl_home']='Client home page.'; _c['cl_new']='Enter client\'s information and click OK to create a client account.'; _c['cl_perm']='Client\'s permissions page.'; _c['cl_limits']='Client\'s limits page.'; _c['cl_logo']='Client\'s logo customization page.'; _c['cl_pool']='The list of IP addresses available to client.'; _c['cl_pool_add']='Adding IP addresses to the client\'s IP Pool.'; _c['cl_pool_first_time']='Allocation of IP addresses to the client.'; _c['cl_pool_ctrl']='IP address parameters viewing and changing.'; _c['cl_pref']='Client\'s preferences page.'; _c['cl_traffic_history']='Traffic history page for the client.'; _c['cl_templates']='This page contains the list of all client templates.'; _c['cl_traffic']='Viewing the traffic usage statistics for a client.'; _c['clients']='This page displays the list of all client accounts registered in the system.'; _c['component_conf']='Configuring the component parameters.'; _c['custom_buttons_admin']='Create and manage your custom buttons.'; _c['custom_buttons_domain']='Create and manage your custom buttons.'; _c['custom_buttons_client']='Create and manage your custom buttons.'; _c['custom_buttons_remove']='Remove selected custom buttons.'; _c['custom_button_admin_edit']='Edit custom button.'; _c['custom_button_domain_edit']='Edit custom button.'; _c['custom_button_client_edit']='Edit custom button.'; _c['configure']='Postinstall configuration page.'; _c['coldfusion']='ColdFusion configuration page.'; _c['comp_info']='Viewing the information on the system components, selecting default components, and setting up components configuration parameters.'; _c['cp_access']='IP Access restriction.'; _c['cp_access_add_edit']='IP access restriction list network editing.'; _c['cp_access_remove']='Network removal from the IP access restriction list.'; _c['crontab_unix']='This page contains the list of Crontab tasks, scheduled in the system.'; _c['crontab_win']='This page contains the list of Scheduler tasks, scheduled in the system.'; _c['cronbackup_add_edit']='Fill out the required fields and click OK to schedule backing up.'; _c['crontab_unix_add_edit']='Fill out the required fields and click OK to add the task to the Crontab.'; _c['crontab_win_add_edit']='Fill out the required fields and click OK to add the task to the Scheduler.'; _c['crontab_unix_remove']='Removal of the selected Crontab tasks.'; _c['crontab_win_remove']='Removal of the selected Scheduler tasks.'; _c['scheduler']='This page contains the list of Scheduler tasks, scheduled in the system.'; _c['scheduler_edit']='Fill out the required fields and click OK to add the task to the Scheduler.'; _c['scheduler_remove']='Removal of the selected Scheduler tasks.'; _c['databases']='Additional databases access setup page.'; _c['databases_db']='Database access configuration and management tools.'; _c['databases_server']='This page allows changing the password used for access to the database server.'; _c['db']='Databases list.'; _c['db_add']='Adding a new database page.'; _c['db_edit']='The database users list.'; _c['db_usr_edit']='Set up password for the database user.'; _c['defaultcomponents']='Selecting default components for the services.'; _c['dl_usr_ed']='Enter or change domain level user information.'; _c['dns']='DNS zone for the domain.'; _c['dns_add']='Add new record to the DNS zone for the domain.'; _c['dns_check']='DNS zone testing results.'; _c['mail_name_drweb']='Antivirus preferences setup.'; _c['dom_ctrl']='Domain administration.'; _c['dom_traffic']='Traffic at the domain.'; _c['dom_templates']='Manage domain templates.'; _c['create_domain']='Creating new domain for the client.'; _c['create_domain_client_select']='Select the client you wish to create the domain for.'; _c['dom_pref']='Domain preferences.'; _c['dom_lim']='Domain limits.'; _c['domain_report']='Domain information.'; _c['domain_aliases']='Manage domain aliases.'; _c['domain_aliases_remove']='Remove domain aliases.'; _c['domain_alias_edit']='Add/Edit domain alias name.'; _c['client_report']='Client information.'; _c['report_auto']='Manage report delivery schedules.'; _c['report_auto_edit']='Report delivery schedule properties.'; _c['report_auto_remove']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['cl_rpt_list']='Custom report layouts.'; _c['dom_rpt_list']='Custom report layouts.'; _c['cl_rpt_edit']='Edit report.'; _c['dom_rpt_edit']='Edit report.'; _c['dom_sum_report']='This page displays the domain summary report on all the domains registered in the system.'; _c['dom_traffic_history']='Traffic history for the domain.'; _c['domains']='This page displays the list of all the domains registered in the system.'; _c['dumps_list']='On this page you can administer the backup files repository of this domain, upload a backup file, back up the domain, switch and configure scheduled backup, and set up the remote FTP dumps repository.'; _c['download_dialog']='Backup file creation.'; _c['extras']='Additional services management page.'; _c['removeDNSTemplate']='Removal of DNS records from the template.'; _c['edit_dom_tmpl']='Edit a domain template on this page.'; _c['edit_cl_tmpl']='Edit a client template on this page.'; _c['event_handlers']='Create and manage handlers for processing various system events.'; _c['event_handlers_remove']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['event_handler_edit']='Set up an event handler or modify its properties.'; _c['ftp_account']='On this page you can administer the FTP account for remote backup files repository.'; _c['ftp_dumps_list']='On this page you can select the backup file for uploading it into domain dumps repository.'; _c['filemanager']='Manage your files and directories on this page.'; _c['filemanager_rename_file']='File renaming.'; _c['filemanager_rename_dir']='Directory renaming.'; _c['filemanager_chmod']='Changing access rights to file.'; _c['filemanager_chmod_win']='Changing access rights to file.'; _c['filemanager_copy_move']='File copying (moving).'; _c['filemanager_create_file']='File creation.'; _c['filemanager_show']='File viewing.'; _c['filemanager_edit']='File editing.'; _c['filemanager_remove']='File(s) removal.'; _c['filemanager_owner_row']='File owner.'; _c['filemanager_new_file']='File creation.'; _c['filemanager_new_dir']='Directory creation.'; _c['gl_list']='Global Help Desk.'; _c['groups']='Mail groups management.'; _c['icf']='Plesk firewall configuration.'; _c['ip_clients']='The list of clients having this IP in their pools.'; _c['ip_clients_add']='Select clients and click OK to add this IP address to their pools.'; _c['ipclientsaddlist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find clients.'; _c['ipclientsaddlist_show_all']='Show all clients.'; _c['ip_domains']='The list of domains with hosting or forwarding on this IP.'; _c['frm_fwd']='Enter destination URL for forwarding.'; _c['std_fwd']='Enter destination URL for forwarding.'; _c['domain_globalchanges']='Fill out the form and click OK to effect the group operations on the selected domains.'; _c['client_globalchanges']='Fill out the form and click OK to effect the group operations on the selected client accounts.'; _c['performance']='Domain performance configuring.'; _c['mailname_globalchanges']='Fill out the form and click OK to effect the group operations on the selected mail names.'; _c['phosting_setup']='Hosting account setup. Choose the IP address type (Exclusive or Shared), FTP Login and Password, and other hosting related parameters.'; _c['phosting_setup_dom_usr']='Hosting account parameters setup.'; _c['webusers']='This page lists web users of this domain.'; _c['hst_type_sel']='Select the type of hosting to set up.'; _c['key_info']='License key management.'; _c['key_upload']='Select the license key file and click OK to install.'; _c['key_update']='Key update status.'; _c['key_revert']='License key rollback.'; _c['ip_aliasing']='Add to and remove IP addresses from the network interfaces.'; _c['ip_add']='IP address adding.'; _c['ip_ctrl']='IP address parameters changing.'; _c['license']='Read the license agreement carefully.'; _c['logo']='Change logo image and logo URL.'; _c['log_files']='This page contains the list of all domain-related log files.'; _c['log_rotation']='Log rotation preferences page.'; _c['mail']='Configure your mail server: set up the black and white lists to control mail relaying from specific domains, define the limit on incoming e-mail message size, set up MAPS spam protection, and define the mail account names allowed on server.'; _c['mail_blocked_domains']='Black list managing.'; _c['mail_blocked_domain_edit']='Add domains to the black list.'; _c['mail_blocked_domains_remove']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['mail_white_list']='White list managing.'; _c['mail_white_list_edit']='Add domains to white list.'; _c['mail_white_list_remove']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['mail_name_alias_edit']='Mail name alias creation/editing.'; _c['mail_name_edit']='Set up services for the mail name.'; _c['mail_name_groups']='Mail group membership management.'; _c['mail_name_mail_group']='Mail group management.'; _c['mail_name_mailbox']='Mailbox management.'; _c['mail_name_preferences']='Mail name preferences.'; _c['mail_name_redirects']='Mail redirect management.'; _c['mail_name_redirects_add']='Add mail group member.'; _c['mail_name_redirects_remove']='Mail group members removal.'; _c['mail_name_resp_edit']='Configure the autoresponder.'; _c['mail_name_resp_attach_add']='Select files to attach.'; _c['mail_name_resp_attach_del']='Remove the autoresponder attachments.'; _c['mail_name_resp_remove']='Remove autoresponders.'; _c['mail_name_responders']='Autoresponders management.'; _c['mail_name_files']='Mail name attachments repository.'; _c['mail_name_files_remove']='Files removal.'; _c['mail_names']='Mail names (mailboxes, mail redirects, mail groups, autoresponders).'; _c['mail_preferences']='Mail preferences.'; _c['maillists']='This page displays all mailing lists in this domain.'; _c['maillists_conf']='The main mailing list creation page.'; _c['maillist_edit']='Mailing list settings.'; _c['maillist_new']='Mailing list addition.'; _c['maillist_del']='Mailing list removal.'; _c['maillist_members']='Mailing list subscribers.'; _c['maillist_members_remove']='Mailing list subscribers removal.'; _c['maillist_member_edit']='Mailing list user addition.'; _c['mimetypes']='MIME types management.'; _c['mimetype_edit']='MIME type editing.'; _c['mimetypes_remove']='Click "OK" to delete the selected MIME type(s), or click "Cancel" to cancel deletion.'; _c['notifications']='Manage notification system.'; _c['notification_text']='Edit notice text.'; _c['pg_manage']='Adding/changing the PostgreSQL administrator information.'; _c['prtd_dirs']='Password-protected directories.'; _c['prtdir_edit']='Protected directory management.'; _c['prtdir_preferences']='Protected directory preferences.'; _c['prtdir_usr_edit']='Set up password for the protected directory user.'; _c['reboot']='The system will now be rebooted.'; _c['responders']='Mail autoresponders.'; _c['redirects']='Mail redirects.'; _c['restart_services']='Services management.'; _c['server']='Server administration.'; _c['servers_list']='This page displays the list of all slave server accounts.'; _c['server_info']='Slave server account.'; _c['server_traffic']='Server traffic.'; _c['b_servertrafficlist_show_all']='Display all traffic statistics.'; _c['sessions']='Change sessions parameters.'; _c['sessions_list']='This page displays the list of all sessions.'; _c['ftp_sessions_list']='This page displays the list of all FTP sessions.'; _c['cl_skeleton']='Manage virtual host skeleton.'; _c['skeleton']='Manage virtual host skeleton.'; _c['skins']='Manage control panel skins.'; _c['skin_info']='Skin information.'; _c['skin_download']='Skin download.'; _c['skin_download_now']='Skin download is in progress.'; _c['skin_upload']='Skin upload.'; _c['skins_remove']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['shutdown']='The system is shutting down.'; _c['slave_cert']='Slave server SSL certificate uploading.'; _c['slave_info']='Slave server information.'; _c['site_apps_list']='Domain\'s application repository.'; _c['site_app_pkgs_admin_list']='Manage site applications, upload to and remove the applications from the vault.'; _c['site_app_pkgs_add']='Add new site application.'; _c['site_app_pkgs_list']='Available site applications.'; _c['siteapp_install']='Site application installation.'; _c['siteapp_reconfigure']='Site application reconfiguring.'; _c['siteapppackage_info_server']='Site application properties.'; _c['siteapppackage_info_domain']='Site application properties.'; _c['additional_keys']='Manage the additional license keys: install and remove the license keys for additional features and components.'; _c['additional_key_info']='You can upload a new license key for the application, download the currently used key to a local machine, and remove it.'; _c['additional_key_properties']='You can upload a new additional license key, and download the currently used key to the local machine.'; _c['additional_key_remove']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['additional_key_upload']='Select the license key file and click OK to install.'; _c['additional_keys_remove']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['sapp_pool']='Site applications management. You can make site applications available\nfor this client, so that they can be used within the client\'s domains, or remove selected applications.'; _c['sapp_pool_add']='Add site applications to the vault.'; _c['sapp_pool_remove']='Remove the site applications from the vault.'; _c['sapp_clients']='The list of clients having this site application in their pools.'; _c['sapp_clients_add']='Select clients and click OK to add this application to their pools.'; _c['sshterm']='Secure Shell Terminal.'; _c['statistics']='System statistics.'; _c['sys_time']='Set up system date/time and system date/time synchronization with NTP server.'; _c['subdomains']='Subdomains management. You can add, edit, and remove subdomains from this page.'; _c['subdom_ctrl']='Subdomain administration page.'; _c['subdom_edit']='Subdomain properties configuring.'; _c['subdom_create']='Subdomain creation.'; _c['subdom_remove']='Removal of the selected subdomains.'; _c['templates']='This page displays the domain templates list that can be used when creating a new domain.'; _c['tmpl_warn']='The template limits exceed the client\'s limits are listed on this page.'; _c['tts__admin']='Help Desk.'; _c['tts__tickets_list1']='This page lists all new tickets.'; _c['tts__tickets_list1000']='This page lists all existing tickets.'; _c['tts__tickets_list1001']='This page lists all opened tickets.'; _c['tts__tickets_list2']='This page lists all closed tickets.'; _c['tts__tickets_list3']='This page lists all reopened tickets.'; _c['tts_mail_gate']='Set up mail gate for Help Desk.'; _c['tts_ticket_post']='Trouble ticket creation page.'; _c['view_info']='The backup file properties and domain restoring facility are presented on this page.'; _c['virtualdirs']='Virtual directories management.'; _c['virtualdir_create']='Virtual directory creation.'; _c['virtualdir_edit']='Virtual directory editing.'; _c['virtualdirs_remove']='Virtual directories removal.'; _c['web_users']='Web users.'; _c['web_users_preferences']='Web user\'s preferences.'; _c['wu_edit']='Set up FTP password for web user.'; _c['lang']='Set default interface language on this page.'; _c['ch_pass']='Change the Administrator\'s password on this page.'; _c['dns_template']='DNS zone template management.'; _c['dns_template_add']='Add new record to the DNS zone template.'; _c['web_apps']='Tomcat web applications management page.'; _c['web_app_add']='Add new Tomcat web application.'; _c['odbc_dsn_configuration']='ODBC management page.'; _c['odbc_dsn_add']='Add new ODBC DSN.'; _c['odbc_removing']='Removal of the selected ODBC DSNs.'; _c['odbc_connection_config']='ODBC connection configuration.'; _c['odbc_connection_config_access']='Configuring ODBC connection for Microsoft Access driver.'; _c['odbc_connection_config_mssql']='Configuring ODBC connection for Microsoft SQL Server driver.'; _c['odbc_connection_config_mysql']='Configuring ODBC connection for MySQL driver.'; _c['webdir_permissions']='Web directory permissions'; _c['qu_edit']='Queue set up page.'; _c['qus']='This page displays the list of queues.'; _c['removeServers']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeCerts']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeMailAliases']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeDataBases']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeDataBaseUsers']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeCrontabTask']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeDomains']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeDNS']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeClients']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeLogFiles']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeDumps']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeMailNames']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeWebUsers']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeProtectedDirs']='Select the checkbox and click OK to remove protection from the selected directories, or click Cancel to cancel.'; _c['removeProtectedDirUsers']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeReports']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeSessions']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeTemplates']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeIPAddress']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeClientsIP']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeClientsSiteApp']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeWebApps']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeSiteApps']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['removeSiteAppPackages']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['cat_remove']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['pr_remove']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['qu_remove']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['preferences']='Control panel interface and system preferences setup.'; _c['pr_edit']='Priority setup.'; _c['prs']='This page lists priorities.'; _c['tts_conf_edit']='Manage Help Desk settings.'; _c['spamassassin']='Spam Filter settings.'; _c['spamassassin_train']='Training statistics databases used for spam filtering. Classify content of your mailbox as spam and good mail.'; _c['spamassassin_user_conf']='Personal Spam Filter settings configuration.'; _c['spaw']='WYSIWYG editor.'; _c['subdom_performance']='Subdomain performance configuring.'; _c['dom_performance_edit']='Domain performance configuring.'; _c['dom_performance_readonly']='Viewing the domain performance configuration.'; _c['subdom_performance_edit']='Subdomain performance configuring.'; _c['subdom_performance_readonly']='Viewing the subdomain performance configuration.'; _c['l_inv']='Invert selection of checkboxes.'; _c['l_rad']='Select the radio button.'; _c['l_autoinstallerreleaseslist_name']='Sort releases by name.'; _c['l_autoinstallerreleaseslist_action']='Sort releases by available operations.'; _c['l_autoinstallercomponentslist_name']='Sort components by name.'; _c['l_autoinstallercomponentslist_action']='Sort components by status.'; _c['l_autoinstallercomponentslist_serverbuildtime']='Sort components by release date.'; _c['l_autoinstallercomponentslist_localbuildtime']='Sort components by release date.'; _c['l_reportautolist_name']='Sort schedules by delivery frequency.'; _c['l_reportautolist_last']='Sort schedules by last delivery date.'; _c['l_reportautolist_recipient']='Sort schedules by recipients.'; _c['l_reportautolist_select']='Sort schedules by selection.'; _c['l_certificateslist_csr']='Sort certificates by CSR part presence.'; _c['l_certificateslist_ip_usage']='Sort certificates by IP usage.'; _c['l_certificateslist_pvt_key']='Sort certificates by Private Key part presence.'; _c['l_certificateslist_cert']='Sort certificates by Certificate part presence.'; _c['l_certificateslist_ca_cert']='Sort certificates by CA Certificate part presence.'; _c['l_certificateslist_name']='Sort certificates by name.'; _c['l_clientslist_state']='Sort client accounts by state.'; _c['l_clientslist_status']='Sort client accounts by status.'; _c['l_clientslist_date']='Sort client accounts by date.'; _c['l_clientslist_name']='Sort client accounts by name.'; _c['l_clientslist_domains']='Sort client accounts by domains.'; _c['l_clientslist_cname']='Sort client accounts by company name.'; _c['l_custombuttonslist_sort_key']='Sort buttons by display order.'; _c['l_custombuttonslist_public']='Sort buttons by accessibility.'; _c['l_custombuttonslist_place']='Sort buttons by location.'; _c['l_custombuttonslist_name']='Sort buttons by label.'; _c['l_custombuttonslist_url']='Sort buttons by URL.'; _c['l_custombuttonslist_conhelp']='Sort buttons by context help tip value.'; _c['l_clientreportslist_auto']='Sort report layouts by delivery schedule state.'; _c['l_clientreportslist_name']='Sort by report name.'; _c['l_clientreportslist_general']='Sort by amount of data that will be presented in the General section of report.'; _c['l_clientreportslist_domains']='Sort by amount of data that will be presented in the Domains section of report.'; _c['l_clienttrafficlist_name']='Sort domains by name.'; _c['l_clienttrafficlist_used']='Sort domains by traffic.'; _c['l_clienttrafficlist_limit']='Sort domains by traffic limit defined.'; _c['l_clienttrafficlist_avail']='Sort domains by traffic availability.'; _c['l_clienttrafficlist_ubar']='Sort domains by traffic usage.'; _c['l_cpaccesslist_netaddr']='Sort networks by address.'; _c['l_cpaccesslist_netmask']='Sort networks by mask.'; _c['l_crontablist_enabled']='Sort tasks by Status.'; _c['l_crontablist_minute']='Sort tasks by Minute.'; _c['l_crontablist_hour']='Sort tasks by Hour.'; _c['l_crontablist_dom']='Sort tasks by Day of the Month.'; _c['l_crontablist_month']='Sort tasks by Month.'; _c['l_crontablist_dow']='Sort tasks by Day of the Week.'; _c['l_crontablist_cmd']='Sort tasks by Command.'; _c['l_schedulertaskslist_status']='Sort tasks by Status.'; _c['l_schedulertaskslist_name']='Sort tasks by Description.'; _c['l_schedulertaskslist_priority']='Sort tasks by Task Priority.'; _c['l_additionalkeyslist_name']='Sort license keys by name.'; _c['l_additionalkeyslist_key_number']='Sort license keys by key number.'; _c['b_additionalkeyslist_remove']='Delete the selected license keys.'; _c['b_additionalkeyslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find additional keys.'; _c['b_additionalkeyslist_show_all']='Show all additional keys.'; _c['l_domainslist_state']='Sort domains by state.'; _c['l_domainslist_status']='Sort domains by status.'; _c['l_domainslist_date']='Sort domains by date.'; _c['l_domainslist_name']='Sort domains by name.'; _c['l_domainslist_subdomains']='Sort domains by number of subdomains.'; _c['l_domainslist_usage']='Sort domains by disk space usage.'; _c['l_domainslist_traffic']='Sort domains by traffic.'; _c['l_domainslist_htype']='Sort domains by hosting type.'; _c['l_domainaliaseslist_name']='Sort domain aliases by name.'; _c['l_domainaliaseslist_type']='Sort domain aliases by type.'; _c['l_domaintrafficlist_name']='Sort services by name.'; _c['l_domaintrafficlist_in']='Sort services by incoming traffic.'; _c['l_domaintrafficlist_out']='Sort services by outgoing traffic.'; _c['l_domaintrafficlist_used']='Sort services by total amount of traffic.'; _c['l_domaintrafficlist_ubar']='Sort services by service traffic share in the total traffic at the domain.'; _c['l_dnstemplatelist_host']='Sort DNS records by Host value.'; _c['l_dnstemplatelist_type']='Sort DNS records by record type.'; _c['l_dnstemplatelist_val']='Sort DNS templates by the record values.'; _c['l_domainsumreplist_du']='Sort domain summary reports by disk space usage.'; _c['l_domainsumreplist_tr']='Sort domain summary reports by traffic.'; _c['l_domainsumreplist_sd']='Sort domain summary reports by number of subdomains.'; _c['l_domainsumreplist_mn']='Sort domain summary reports by number of mailboxes.'; _c['l_domainsumreplist_mr']='Sort domain summary reports by number of redirects.'; _c['l_domainsumreplist_mg']='Sort domain summary reports by number of mail groups.'; _c['l_domainsumreplist_ma']='Sort domain summary reports by number of autoresponders.'; _c['l_domainsumreplist_wu']='Sort domain summary reports by number of web users.'; _c['l_domainsumreplist_db']='Sort domain summary reports by number of databases.'; _c['l_domainsumreplist_ml']='Sort domain summary reports by number of mailing lists.'; _c['l_domainsumreplist_name']='Sort domain summary reports by domain name.'; _c['l_domainsumreplist_pname']='Sort domain summary reports by client name.'; _c['l_domainreportslist_auto']='Sort report layouts by delivery schedule state.'; _c['l_domainreportslist_name']='Sort report layouts by name.'; _c['l_domainreportslist_general']='Sort report layouts by amount of data presented in the General section.'; _c['l_domainreportslist_hosting']='Sort report layouts by amount of data presented in the Hosting section.'; _c['l_domainreportslist_webusers']='Sort report layouts by amount of data presented in the Web users section.'; _c['l_domainreportslist_mailnames']='Sort report layouts by amount of data presented in the Mail names section.'; _c['l_domainreportslist_maillists']='Sort report layouts by amount of data presented in the Mailing lists section.'; _c['l_domainreportslist_databases']='Sort report layouts by amount of data presented in the Databases section.'; _c['l_domainreportslist_tomcat']='Sort report layouts by amount of data presented in the Tomcat web applications section.'; _c['l_domainreportslist_siteapps']='Sort report layouts by amount of data presented in the Site Applications section.'; _c['l_dnszonelist_host']='Sort DNS zone records by host.'; _c['l_dnszonelist_type']='Sort DNS zone records by type.'; _c['l_dnszonelist_val']='Sort DNS zone records by value.'; _c['l_dnsnslist_name']='Sort DNS records by name server.'; _c['l_dnsmasterlist_name']='Sort DNS records by master server.'; _c['l_filelist_file_perms']='Sort files and directories by permissions.'; _c['l_filelist_type']='Sort files and directories by type.'; _c['l_filelist_name']='Sort files and directories by name.'; _c['l_filelist_size']='Sort files and directories by size.'; _c['l_filelist_ch_date']='Sort files and directories by modification date.'; _c['l_filelist_user']='Sort files and directories by owner user.'; _c['l_filelist_group']='Sort files and directories by owner group.'; _c['l_filelist_file_perm']='Sort files and directories by permissions.'; _c['l_mailnamealiaseslist_name']='Sort mail aliases by name.'; _c['l_maillistmemberslist_name']='Sort mail list members by e-mails.'; _c['l_mailnamefileslist_name']='Sort files by name.'; _c['l_mailnamefileslist_size']='Sort files by size.'; _c['l_mailnameresponderattachmentslist_name']='Sort attachments by name.'; _c['l_mailnameresponderattachmentslist_size']='Sort attachments by size.'; _c['l_mailnameresponderslist_status']='Sort autoresponders by status.'; _c['l_mailnameresponderslist_name']='Sort autoresponders by name.'; _c['l_mailnameredirectslist_name']='Sort redirects by addresses.'; _c['l_mailnameslist_cp_access']='Sort mail names by Control Panel access.'; _c['l_mailnameslist_mailbox']='Sort mail names by mailbox usage.'; _c['l_mailnameslist_redirect']='Sort mail names by redirect usage.'; _c['l_mailnameslist_mailgroup']='Sort mail names by mail group usage.'; _c['l_mailnameslist_mailresp']='Sort mail names by autoresponder usage.'; _c['l_mailnameslist_spamfilter']='Sort mail names by spamfilter usage.'; _c['l_mailnameslist_drweb']='Sort mail names by antivirus filtering usage.'; _c['l_mailnameslist_name']='Sort mail names by name.'; _c['l_mimetypeslist_name']='Sort MIME types by extension.'; _c['l_mimetypeslist_content']='Sort MIME types by content type.'; _c['l_sessionslist_type']='Sort sessions by access type.'; _c['l_sessionslist_name']='Sort sessions by name.'; _c['l_sessionslist_ip_addr']='Sort sessions by IP address.'; _c['l_sessionslist_login_time']='Sort sessions by login date and time.'; _c['l_sessionslist_idle']='Sort sessions by idle time.'; _c['l_servertrafficlist_name']='Sort clients by name.'; _c['l_servertrafficlist_used']='Sort clients by traffic.'; _c['l_servertrafficlist_limit']='Sort clients by traffic limit.'; _c['l_servertrafficlist_avail']='Sort clients by traffic availability.'; _c['l_servertrafficlist_ubar']='Sort clients by traffic usage.'; _c['l_serviceslist_name']='Sort services by name.'; _c['l_serviceslist_comp']='Sort services by component name.'; _c['l_subdomainslist_name']='Sort subdomains by name.'; _c['l_subdomainslist_login']='Sort subdomains by login.'; _c['l_maillistslist_enabled']='Sort mailing lists by status.'; _c['l_maillistslist_name']='Sort mailing lists by name.'; _c['l_ippoollist_state']='Sort IP addresses by state.'; _c['l_ippoollist_certificate']='Sort IP addresses by certificate.'; _c['l_ippoollist_type']='Sort IP addresses by type.'; _c['l_ippoollist_name']='Sort the list by IP addresses.'; _c['l_ippoollist_hostings']='Sort IP addresses by use in hosting accounts.'; _c['l_ipaddrlist_state']='Sort the list of IP addresses by state.'; _c['l_ipaddrlist_type']='Sort the list of IP addresses by type.'; _c['l_ipaddrlist_name']='Sort the list by IP addresses.'; _c['l_ipaddrlist_mask']='Sort the list of IP addresses by mask.'; _c['l_ipaddrlist_iface']='Sort the list of IP addresses by interface.'; _c['l_ipaddrlist_clients']='Sort the list of IP addresses by clients usage.'; _c['l_ipaddrlist_hostings']='Sort the list of IP addresses by use in hosting accounts.'; _c['l_ipclientslist_name']='Sort clients by name.'; _c['l_ipclientsaddlist_name']='Sort clients by name.'; _c['l_protecteddirslist_non_ssl']='Sort protected/non-protected directories on the Non-SSL site.'; _c['l_protecteddirslist_ssl']='Sort protected/non-protected directories on the SSL site.'; _c['l_protecteddirslist_name']='Sort protected directories by name.'; _c['l_protecteddirslist_header_text']='Sort protected directories by header text.'; _c['l_protecteddiruserslist_name']='Sort protected directory users by name.'; _c['l_templateslist_name']='Sort templates by name.'; _c['l_templateslist_is_owner']='Sort templates by owner type.'; _c['l_virtualdirslist_name']='Sort virtual directories by name.'; _c['l_virtualdirslist_path']='Sort virtual directories by path.'; _c['l_virtualdirslist_script_execute']='Sort virtual directories by execute permission.'; _c['l_virtualdirslist_read']='Sort virtual directories by read permission.'; _c['l_virtualdirslist_write']='Sort virtual directories by write permision.'; _c['l_virtualdirslist_source']='Sort virtual directories by script source access permission.'; _c['l_virtualdirslist_browse']='Sort virtual directories by directory browsing permission.'; _c['l_webuserslist_name']='Sort web users by name.'; _c['l_databaseslist_name']='Sort databases by name.'; _c['l_databaseslist_type']='Sort databases by type.'; _c['l_databaseuserslist_name']='Sort database users by name.'; _c['l_ipdomainslist_name']='Sort domains by name.'; _c['l_logfileslist_date']='Sort log files by modification date.'; _c['l_logfileslist_name']='Sort log files by name.'; _c['l_logfileslist_size']='Sort log files by size.'; _c['l_logfileslist_download']='Click on diskette icon to download a log file.'; _c['l_logfileslist_view']='Click to view the log file.'; _c['l_serverslist_name']='Sort slave servers by name.'; _c['l_serverslist_status']='Sort slave servers by status.'; _c['l_serverslist_description']='Sort slave servers by description.'; _c['l_servermailblockeddomainslist_name']='Sort blocked domains by name.'; _c['l_servermailwhitelistlist_name']='Sort white list entries by IP address/mask.'; _c['l_eventhandlerslist_name']='Sort event handlers by event type.'; _c['l_eventhandlerslist_priority']='Sort event handlers by priority.'; _c['l_eventhandlerslist_user']='Sort event handlers by system user name.'; _c['l_eventhandlerslist_command']='Sort event handlers by command.'; _c['l_skinslist_name']='Sort skins by name.'; _c['l_skinslist_used']='Sort skins by usage.'; _c['l_skinslist_author']='Sort skins by author.'; _c['l_skinslist_description']='Sort skins by description.'; _c['l_webappslist_status']='Sort by the Tomcat web application state.'; _c['l_webappslist_name']='Sort by the Tomcat web application name.'; _c['l_webappslist_sessions']='Sort by the number of sessions.'; _c['l_ftpdumpslist_name']='Sort backup files by name.'; _c['l_dumpslist_date']='Sort backup files by modification date.'; _c['l_dumpslist_name']='Sort backup files by name.'; _c['l_dumpslist_size']='Sort backup files by size.'; _c['l_dumpslist_info']='Display the backup information.'; _c['l_dupmslist_download']='Click to download the backup file.'; _c['l_siteappslist_name']='Sort by site application name.'; _c['l_siteappslist_version']='Sort by site application version.'; _c['l_siteappslist_release']='Sort by site application release.'; _c['l_siteappslist_subdomain']='Sort by site application target domain.'; _c['l_siteappslist_prefix']='Sort by site application installation path.'; _c['l_siteappslist_size']='Sort by amount of disk space used by the site application instance.'; _c['l_siteappslist_description']='Sort by site application description.'; _c['b_siteappslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find installed site applications.'; _c['b_siteappslist_show_all']='Show all installed site appications'; _c['b_siteappslist_remove']='Uninstall selected site applications.'; _c['l_siteappclientslist_name']='Sort clients by name.'; _c['siteappclientslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find clients.'; _c['siteappclientslist_show_all']='Show all clients.'; _c['siteappclientslist_remove']='Remove the site application from the selected clients\' lists of available applications.'; _c['l_siteappclientsaddlist_name']='Sort clients by name.'; _c['siteappclientsaddlist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find clients.'; _c['siteappclientsaddlist_show_all']='Show all clients.'; _c['l_domainsiteapppackageslist_name']='Sort by package name.'; _c['l_domainsiteapppackageslist_version']='Sort by package version.'; _c['l_domainsiteapppackageslist_release']='Sort by package release.'; _c['l_domainsiteapppackageslist_installation_number']='Sort by the number of installed instances.'; _c['l_domainsiteapppackageslist_clients_number']='Sort by the number of clients who are allowed to use site application.'; _c['l_domainsiteapppackageslist_size']='Sort by package size'; _c['l_domainsiteapppackageslist_description']='Sort by package description.'; _c['b_domainsiteapppackageslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find packages.'; _c['b_domainsiteapppackageslist_show_all']='Show all available site applications'; _c['b_domainsiteapppackageslist_install']='Install the site application to the selected domain.'; _c['b_domainsiteapppackageslist_remove']='Remove the selected site application(s) from server.'; _c['l_serversiteapppackageslist_name']='Sort by package name.'; _c['l_serversiteapppackageslist_version']='Sort by package version.'; _c['l_serversiteapppackageslist_release']='Sort by package release.'; _c['l_serversiteapppackageslist_installation_number']='Sort by the number of installed instances.'; _c['l_serversiteapppackageslist_clients_number']='Sort by the number of clients who are allowed to use site application.'; _c['l_serversiteapppackageslist_size']='Sort by package size'; _c['l_serversiteapppackageslist_description']='Sort by package description.'; _c['b_serversiteapppackageslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find packages.'; _c['b_serversiteapppackageslist_show_all']='Show all available site applications'; _c['b_serversiteapppackageslist_install']='Install the site application to the selected domain.'; _c['b_serversiteapppackageslist_remove']='Remove the selected site applications from the server.'; _c['l_siteapppackagespoollist_name']='Sort by package name.'; _c['l_siteapppackagespoollist_version']='Sort by package version.'; _c['l_siteapppackagespoollist_release']='Sort by package release.'; _c['l_siteapppackagespoollist_installation_number']='Sort by the number of installed instances.'; _c['l_siteapppackagespoollist_description']='Sort by package description.'; _c['b_siteapppackagespoollist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find site applications.'; _c['b_siteapppackagespoollist_show_all']='Show all available site applications'; _c['b_siteapppackagespoollist_remove']='Remove selected site application(s) from the Available Applications list.'; _c['l_dsnlist_configured']='Sort DSNs by configuration status.'; _c['l_dsnlist_name']='Sort DSNs by name.'; _c['l_dsnlist_description']='Sort DSNs by description.'; _c['l_ttsadminticketslist_name']='Sort tickets by ticket identifier.'; _c['l_ttsadminticketslist_category']='Sort tickets by ticket category.'; _c['l_ttsadminticketslist_subject']='Sort tickets by ticket subject.'; _c['l_ttsadminticketslist_status']='Sort tickets by ticket status.'; _c['l_ttsadminticketslist_reporter_type']='Sort tickets by reporter type.'; _c['l_ttsadminticketslist_reporter_name']='Sort tickets by reporter name.'; _c['l_ttsadminticketslist_modified_date']='Sort tickets by last modification date.'; _c['l_ttsadminticketslist_qu_title']='Sort tickets by queue title.'; _c['l_ttsadminticketslist_pr_title']='Sort tickets by priority title.'; _c['l_ttsclientticketslist_name']='Sort tickets by ticket identifier.'; _c['l_ttsclientticketslist_category']='Sort tickets by ticket category.'; _c['l_ttsclientticketslist_subject']='Sort tickets by ticket subject.'; _c['l_ttsclientticketslist_status']='Sort tickets by ticket status.'; _c['l_ttsclientticketslist_reporter_type']='Sort tickets by reporter type.'; _c['l_ttsclientticketslist_reporter_name']='Sort tickets by reporter name.'; _c['l_ttsclientticketslist_modified_date']='Sort tickets by modification date.'; _c['l_ttscatslist_enabled']='Sort categories by status.'; _c['l_ttscatslist_name']='Sort categories by title.'; _c['l_ttsgllist_name']='Sort servers by name.'; _c['l_ttsgllist_cnt_closed']='Sort servers by number of closed tickets.'; _c['l_ttsgllist_cnt_new']='Sort servers by number of new tickets.'; _c['l_ttsgllist_cnt_opened']='Sort servers by number of opened tickets.'; _c['l_ttsgllist_cnt_reopened']='Sort servers by number of reopened tickets.'; _c['l_ttsgllist_updated']='Sort servers by last update time.'; _c['l_ttsgllist_tts_enabled']='Sort servers by Help Desk system status.'; _c['l_ttsgllist_tts_can_post']='Sort servers by ticket submission ability.'; _c['l_ttsprslist_enabled']='Sort priorities by status.'; _c['l_ttsprslist_name']='Sort priorities by title.'; _c['l_ttsquslist_enabled']='Sort queues by status.'; _c['l_ttsquslist_name']='Sort queues by title.'; _c['l_updateslist_name']='Sort the updates by name.'; _c['l_updateslist_description']='Sort the updates by description.'; _c['l_ftpsessionslist_path']='Sort FTP sessions by user\'s location.'; _c['l_ftpsessionslist_domain']='Sort FTP sessions by domain name.'; _c['l_ftpsessionslist_file']='Sort FTP sessions by file name.'; _c['l_ftpsessionslist_actions']='Sort FTP sessions by status.'; _c['l_ftpsessionslist_speed']='Sort FTP sessions by speed.'; _c['l_ftpsessionslist_persent']='Sort FTP sessions by the file transfer operation progress.'; _c['l_ftpsessionslist_ip_addr']='Sort FTP sessions by the IP address the FTP account is accessed from.'; _c['l_ftpsessionslist_name']='Sort FTP sessions by user\'s FTP login name.'; _c['l_ftpsessionslist_login_time']='Sort FTP sessions by logon time.'; _c['l_ftpsessionslist_idle']='Sort FTP sessions by idle time.'; _c['l_ftpsessionslist_type']='Sort FTP sessions by user type.'; _c['migration_upload']='Select the source platform, enter the source host and login data, and click Next to upload the migration agent to the remote host.'; _c['migration_progress']='View the migration progress, and stop the migration if desired.'; _c['migration_host_info']='View information on the remote host and select objects for migration.'; _c['migration_content_download']='View the remote host content downloading progress, and stop the downloading if desired.'; _c['migration_content_download_not_space']='Not enough disk space for downloading content from the remote host.'; _c['migration_objects_select']='Select the remote host accounts and domains for migration.'; _c['migration_account_select']='Select Plesk client account you wish to migrate the selected remote host domains to.'; _c['migration_ip_mapping']='Select the Plesk IP address you wish to map the remote host IP addresses to.'; _c['migration_stop']='Select the checkbox to confirm stopping the migration process and removing migration agent from the remote host, and click OK.'; _c['migration_result']='View the migration result and click Finish to complete migration.'; _c['migration_pre_deploy']='Set deployment preferences.'; _c['b_migrate']='Start migration.'; _c['b_migrate_cancel']='Stop the migration process.'; _c['b_migration_reload']='Click to refresh the data.'; _c['b_migrate_domains']='Click to migrate the selected domains.'; _c['b_migrate_accounts']='Click to migrate the selected accounts.'; _c['b_migrate_set_accounts']='Click to define accounts for migrating object.'; _c['b_migrate_set_ip_map']='Click to set IP mapping for migrating object.'; _c['b_migrate_set_pre_deploy']='Click to set the migration preferences.'; _c['b_migration_begin']='Click to begin a new migration.'; _c['b_migration_repeat']='Click to repeat migration.'; _c['l_migrationdomainlist_name']='Sort domains by name.'; _c['l_migrationaccountslist_name']='Sort accounts by name.'; _c['l_migrationipmaplist_old']='Sort by IP addresses.'; _c['b_migrationdomainlist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find domains.'; _c['b_migrationdomainlist_show_all']='Show all domains.'; _c['b_migrationaccountslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find accounts.'; _c['b_migrationaccountslist_show_all']='Show all accounts.'; _c['b_migrationipmaplist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find IP Addresses.'; _c['b_migrationipmaplist_show_all']='Show all IP Addresses.'; _c['l_migrationaccountslist_count']='Sort accounts by number of domains.'; _c['l_migrationdomainlist_account']='Sort domains by account.'; _c['l_migrationipmaplist_type']='Sort the list by IP addresses type.'; _c['b_migration_retry']='Click to continue migration after you have freed up the disk space.'; _c['b_migration_ignore']='Click to continue migration anyway.'; _c['l_migrationaccountslist_status']='Sort accounts by status.'; _c['iis_app_pool']='IIS application pool management.'; _c['b_iis_app_pool']='Manage IIS application pool.'; _c['i_iis_app_pool_on']='Dedicated IIS application pool is enabled.'; _c['i_iis_app_pool_off']='Dedicated IIS application pool is disabled.'; _c['i_iis_app_pool_started']='IIS application pool is running.'; _c['i_iis_app_pool_stopped']='IIS application pool is stopped.'; _c['b_iis_app_pool_on']='Enable dedicated IIS application pool.'; _c['b_iis_app_pool_off']='Disable dedicated IIS application pool.'; _c['b_iis_app_pool_start']='Start IIS application pool.'; _c['b_iis_app_pool_stop']='Stop IIS application pool.'; _c['b_iis_app_pool_recycle']='Recycle IIS application pool.'; _c['shared_ssl_domain']='Shared SSL domain setup.'; _c['shared_ssl_link']='Shared SSL link setup.'; _c['b_shared_ssl']='Set up Shared SSL.'; _c['b_shared_ssl_domain']='Set up Shared SSL domain.'; _c['b_shared_ssl_domain_not_set']='The shared SSL domain is not set by administrator.'; _c['b_shared_ssl_link']='Set up Shared SSL link.'; _c['b_shared_ssl_link_limit_reached']='The limit on number of shared SSL links has been reached.'; _c['hotlinkprotection']='Set up hotlink protection for the domain.'; _c['b_hotlinkprotection']='Set up hotlink protection for the domain.'; _c['b_hotlinkprotection_on']='Enable hotlink protection of the domain content.'; _c['b_hotlinkprotection_off']='Disable hotlink protection of the domain content.'; _c['b_webdirs']='Web directories management.'; _c['dns__tabs_general']='General DNS settings page.'; _c['sessions__tabs_soa_record']='SOA Record customization.'; _c['dns_soa']='This page allows you to customize DNS zone settings for the current domain.'; _c['b_starterkit']='ASP.NET Web Applications.'; _c['b_vhost_starterkit_add']='Click to go to the page of selecting web applications to be installed on the current domain.'; _c['b_to_starterkit']='Return to the Web Applications management page.'; _c['b_to_starterkit_add']='Return to the Add New Web Application page.'; _c['b_to_starterkit_pkgs']='Return to the list of available Web Applications packages.'; _c['b_domainstarterkitpackageslist_install']='Click to install selected web application package on the domain.'; _c['b_starterkitpackageslist_remove']='Click to remove selected web application packages.'; _c['b_starterkitpackageslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find packages.'; _c['b_starterkitpackageslist_show_all']='Show all packages.'; _c['starterkit_list']='Install or remove ASP.NET Web Applications on/from the domain.'; _c['starterkit_pkgs_list']='Available Web Applications.'; _c['packages_preinstall']='Web Application installation settings.'; _c['l_starterkitpackageslist_name']='Sort packages by name.'; _c['l_starterkitpackageslist_version']='Sort packages by version.'; _c['l_starterkitpackageslist_Instances']='Sort packages by instances.'; _c['l_starterkitpackageslist_description']='Sort packages by description.'; _c['l_domainstarterkitpackageslist_name']='Sort packages by name.'; _c['l_domainstarterkitpackageslist_version']='Sort packages by version.'; _c['l_domainstarterkitpackageslist_Instances']='Sort packages by instances.'; _c['l_domainstarterkitpackageslist_description']='Sort packages by description.'; _c['starterkit_pkgs_admin_list']='Manage Web Application packages, upload to and remove Web Applications from the server.'; _c['packages_info_server']='Viewing information on the Web Application package.'; _c['packages_info_domain']='Viewing information on the Web Application package.'; _c['b_to_packages_info']='Return to the Web Application package information page.'; _c['packages_install']='The application package installation.'; _c['friend_domain_add']='Click to add a domain to the friendly domains list. '; _c['friend_domain_remove']='Click to remove selected domain(s) from the friendly domains list.'; _c['b_server_apps']='Server applications management.'; _c['b_server_app_add']='Click to go to the new application package installation page.'; _c['b_installedpackageslist_search']='Enter a pattern and click to find installed application packages.'; _c['b_installpackageslist_search']='Enter a pattern and click to find available application packages.'; _c['b_installedpackageslist_show_all']='Click to view all the installed application packages.'; _c['b_installpackageslist_show_all']='Click to view all the available application packages.'; _c['b_installpackageslist_install']='Click to install the selected application.'; _c['b_installedpackageslist_remove']='Click to remove the selected application packages.'; _c['server_apps']='Server applications management page. Here you can upload to and remove extra applications from the server, as well as to configure them.'; _c['server_apps_add']='Selecting application package that is to be installed on the server.'; _c['l_installedpackageslist_generic_type']='Sort by generic type.'; _c['l_installedpackageslist_name']='Sort by name.'; _c['l_installedpackageslist_prefix']='Sort by the directory containing application files and components.'; _c['l_installedpackageslist_version']='Sort by version.'; _c['l_installedpackageslist_description']='Sort by description.'; _c['l_installpackageslist_generic_type']='Sort by generic type.'; _c['l_installpackageslist_package_type']='Sort by package type.'; _c['l_installpackageslist_name']='Sort by name.'; _c['l_installpackageslist_version']='Sort by version.'; _c['l_installpackageslist_description']='Sort by description.'; _c['l_installpackageslist_installation_number']='Sort by the number of package installations.'; _c['i_packages_reconfigure']='Click to reconfigure application.'; _c['i_packages_reconfigure_disabled']='Application reconfiguring is unavailable.'; _c['i_packages']='Get help for the application package.'; _c['i_packages_unav']='Help for the application package is unavailable.'; _c['b_to_server_apps']='Return to the Server Applications management page.'; _c['b_to_server_apps_add']='Return to the list of available server application packages.'; _c['b_help_install']='Start package installation.'; _c['b_help_cancel']='Cancel package installation.'; _c['packages_reconfigure']='Server Application Reconfiguring.'; _c['packages_remove']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['packages__uninstall_title ']='The following application packages will be removed:'; _c['b_packages_management']='Application Packages Management.'; _c['packages_management']='This page allows to install to and remove application packages from the server.'; _c['b_to_packages_management']='Return to the Application Packages Management page.'; _c['packageslist_search']='Enter a pattern and click to find application packages.'; _c['packageslist_show_all']='Show all application packages.'; _c['packageslist_remove']='Click to remove the selected application packages from the server.'; _c['l_packageslist_deployment_type']='Sort by deployment type.'; _c['l_packageslist_generic_type']='Sort by generic type.'; _c['l_packageslist_package_type']='Sort by package type.'; _c['l_packageslist_installation_number']='Sort by the number of installations.'; _c['l_packageslist_name']='Sort by package name.'; _c['l_packageslist_version']='Sort by package version.'; _c['l_packageslist_description']='Sort by package description.'; _c['ts_sessions_list']='This page displays the list of all Terminal Services Sessions.'; _c['tssessionslist_search']='Enter a pattern and click to find sessions.'; _c['tssessionslist_show_all']='Show all Terminal Services sessions.'; _c['l_tssessionslist_state']='Sort by state.'; _c['l_tssessionslist_name']='Sort by name.'; _c['l_tssessionslist_user']='Sort by user.'; _c['b_tssessionslist_logoff']='Click to log off the selected sessions.'; _c['b_tssessionslist_disconnect']='Click to disconnect the selected sessions.'; _c['tssessions_info']='Viewing the session properties.'; _c['tssessions_disconnect']='Select the Confirm Removal checkbox and click OK to disconnect the selected terminal server sessions.'; _c['tssessions_logoff']='Select the Confirm Removal checkbox and click OK to log the selected terminal server sessions off.'; _c['b_tssession_disconnect_submit']='Click to submit the changes.'; _c['b_tssession_logoff']='Click to log off the session.'; _c['b_tssession_logoff_submit']='Click to submit the changes.'; _c['i_tssession_active']='Active'; _c['i_tssession_connected']='Connected'; _c['i_tssession_disconnected']='Disconnected'; _c['i_tssession_listen']='Listening'; _c['i_ftp_ses_type']='The last command sent by client is TYPE.'; _c['i_ftp_ses_pass']='The last command sent by client is PASS.'; _c['i_ftp_ses_noop']='The last command sent by client is NOOP.'; _c['b_check_permissions']='Click to check permissions for the selected domains.'; _c['check_permissions']='This page allows you to start the selected domain permissions check-up. If any errors are found, they will be automatically corrected.'; _c['firewall_main']='Plesk Firewall management'; _c['b_interfacelist_search']='Enter a pattern and click to find network interfaces.'; _c['b_interfacelist_show_all']='Show all network interfaces.'; _c['l_interfacelist_enabled']='Sort by firewall status'; _c['l_interfacelist_status']='Sort by interface status'; _c['l_interfacelist_name']='Sort by interface name'; _c['l_interfacelist_type']='Sort by interface type'; _c['b_firewall__off']='Disable firewall on the interface.'; _c['b_firewall__on']='Enable firewall on the interface.'; _c['b_firewall__rule_add']='Add new firewall rule.'; _c['b_firewall__reset']='Reset the firewall to default settings.'; _c['b_firewall__panic']='Enable Panic Mode.'; _c['b_rulelist_search']='Enter a pattern and click to find rules.'; _c['b_rulelist_show_all']='Show all firewall rules'; _c['b_rulelist_remove']='Remove selected rules'; _c['i_firewall_rule_true']='Plesk Firewall passes through packets matching the rule.'; _c['i_firewall_rule_false']='Plesk Firewall filters out packets matching the rule.'; _c['b_to_firewall_interface']='Return to the network interface page.'; _c['b_to_firewall']='Return to Firewall page.'; _c['i_firewall_true']='Firewall is enabled on this network interface.'; _c['i_firewall_false']='Firewall is disabled on this network interface.'; _c['i_firewall_connection_on']='Network interface connection is enabled.'; _c['i_firewall_connection_off']='Network interface connection is disabled.'; _c['firewall_interface']='Firewall settings page for chosen network interface'; _c['firewall_rule_edit']='Firewall rule editing page'; _c['l_rulelist_enable']='Sort rules by activity status'; _c['l_rulelist_name']='Sort rules by name'; _c['l_rulelist_port']='Sort rules by port'; _c['virtualdirs__remove_submit']='Click to delete selected virtual directories. The actual physical directories are not deleted.'; _c['b_maillists__disabled_by_server']='The current mail server does not support external mailing lists management.'; _c['b_set_skin']='Click to make the current skin a default control panel skin.'; _c['set_skin__already_default']='The current skin is already set to be a default control panel skin.'; _c['i_custom_errors_add']='Enter the necessary information and click to add a new custom error message.'; _c['i_antivirus_off']='Antivirus protection is not enabled for this mailbox.'; _c['i_antivirus_on']='Antivirus protection is enabled for this mailbox.'; _c['i_antivirus_turn_pref']='Click to set up antivirus protection preferences.'; _c['i_antivirus_turn_key']='Antivirus protection is not supported with the current license key.'; _c['i_antivirus_turn_perm']='You do not have permissions for managing antivirus.'; _c['l_mailnameslist_antivirus']='Sort by antivirus protection status.'; _c['b_acronis']='Acronis True Image backup'; _c['crondiskbackup_add_edit']='Add or edit backup task.'; _c['b_diskbu_now']='Starts server backup.'; _c['b_diskbu_prefs']='Set up recurring backup.'; _c['to_diskbackup']='Return to the Acronis True Image page.'; _c['b_acronis_not_installed']='This feature is not available because Acronis True Image is not installed.'; _c['diskbackup_tasks']='Add or edit backup task.'; _c['b_dnsacllist_show_all']='Click to view all the addresses.'; _c['b_dnsacllist_']='Click to remove the selected addresses.'; _c['b_acl_add']='Click to add a new address to Allow Zone Transfer ACL.'; _c['dns_acl']='This page displays a list of all IP and Network addresses for which zone transfer is allowed.'; _c['b_dnsacllist_search']='Enter a pattern and click to search addresses.'; _c['b_tssession_disconnect']='Click to disconnect the session.'; _c['b_starterkit_add']='Click to install Web Application.'; _c['i_packages_open']='CLick to view the application via browser.'; _c['i_packages_domain']='The package is deployed on domain.'; _c['i_packages_server']='The package is deployed on server.'; _c['i_antivirus_any']='Antivirus protection is set for incoming and outgoing mail.'; _c['i_antivirus_from']='Antivirus protection is set for outgoing mail.'; _c['i_antivirus_to']='Antivirus protection is set for incoming mail.'; _c['i_ip_fail_no_interface']='Interface associated with the IP address is absent.'; _c['b_test']='Test connection.'; _c['language_groups_add']='Add language group to the list of trusted languages.'; _c['language_groups_del']='Delete language group from the list of trusted languages.'; _c['locale_groups_add']='Add locale group to the list of trusted locales.'; _c['locale_groups_del']='Delete locale group from the list of trusted locales.'; _c['spam_trustednetworks_new']='Add the network to the list of trusted networks.'; _c['spam_trustednetworks_remove']='Delete the network from the list of trusted networks.'; _c['i_i_cl_on']='Client account is active.'; _c['i_i_cl_off_by_admin']='Client account is disabled by administrator.'; _c['b_virtualdir_add_disabled']='The virtual directory creation is unavailable.'; _c['b_firewall__icmp_reset']='Return to the default settings.'; _c['b_firewall__icmp_panic']='Turn on panic mode.'; _c['i_firewall_icmp_true']='The rule is active.'; _c['i_firewall_icmp_false']='The rule is not active.'; _c['l_icmpsettingslist_enabled']='Sort by firewall rule status.'; _c['l_icmpsettingslist_name']='Sort by rule name.'; _c['skin_info__already_default']='The skin is already set as the default one.'; _c['icmpsettingslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find rules.'; _c['icmpsettingslist_show_all']='Show all rules.'; _c['b_db_add_disabled']='Your database server connection is not configured. It can be set up on the Server->Database page.'; _c['b_traffic_at_domains']='Viewing traffic statistics at the domains of the server.'; _c['traffic_at_domains']='Traffic statistics at the all domains registered in the system.'; _c['firewall__general_on']='Turn on the firewall protection.'; _c['firewall__general_off']='Turn off the firewall protection.'; _c['firewall_icmp']='ICMP protocol firewall setup.'; _c['b_rdp_session__open_new']='Open new terminal session.'; _c['tsclient']='Remote desktop terminal session setup.'; _c['l_dnsacllist_val']='Sort networks by value.'; _c['b_dnsacllist_remove']='Remove selected network from the access common list.'; _c['l_dnsmasterslist_ip']='Sort DNS master servers by IP address.'; _c['removeMasters']='Removal of the selected DNS master servers.'; _c['site_app_pkgs_instances']='Viewing the information on the application instances.'; _c['l_siteapppackagesinstanceslist_name']='Sort by (sub)domain name.'; _c['l_siteapppackagesinstanceslist_install_prefix']='Sort by installation path.'; _c['b_siteapppackagesinstanceslist_search']='Enter a search pattern and click to find installed instances.'; _c['b_siteapppackagesinstanceslist_show_all']='Show all installed instances.'; _c['dns_default']='Setting the properties of restoring the DNS zone by template.'; _c['removeDNS_acl']='Select the checkbox to confirm removal, and click OK to remove. Click Cancel to cancel removing.'; _c['l_dsnlist_host']='Sort DSNs by host name.'; _c['l_dsnlist_driver']='Sort DSNs by driver name.'; _c['b_defaultdoc_add']='Click to add a file to the list.'; _c['b_defaultdoc_remove']='Click to remove the selected file(s) from the list.'; _c['b_defaultdoc_up']='Click to move the selected document up in the list.'; _c['b_defaultdoc_down']='Click to move the selected document down in the list.'; _c['i_firewall_rule_set_false']='Click here to enable filtering of messages matching the rule.'; _c['i_firewall_rule_set_true']='Click here to disable filtering of messages matching the rule.'; _c['b_additionalkeyslist_install']='Install the selected license keys to applications.'; _c['l_additionalkeylist_status']='Sort keys by status.'; _c['i_additional_key_installed']='The key is installed to the application.'; _c['i_additional_key_not_installed']='The key is not installed to the application.'; _is = new _BrowserCheck(); function _SetConHelp(conhelp_name, direct) { if(!conhelp_name) conhelp_name = GetConhelp(); if(!conhelp_name) conhelp_name = GetContext(); names = (typeof(conhelp_name) == 'object') ? conhelp_name : [conhelp_name]; msg = ''; for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (("undefined" == typeof direct) && !_c[names[i]] && names[i].indexOf('b_') == 0) // remove b_ for custom buttons' conhelps names[i] = names[i].substr(2); msg += (("undefined" == typeof direct) && _c[names[i]]) ? _c[names[i]] : names[i]; } return _ShowConHelp(msg); } function _ShowConHelp(conhelp_string) { var prefix = "