Description: Inflammation of the marginal gingiva is among the mildest but most common human ailments (fig. 43). The free marginal gingiva is slightly swollen, red and bleeds easily. It is not painful. It may show patchy involvement with skip areas or it may involve virtually the entire marginal gingiva. If untreated, some patients show progression to bulky enlargement of the gingiva called hyperplastic gingivitis (fig. 44). Gingivitis is stated to be enhanced by pregnancy and puberty.
Etiology: The gingival inflammation is caused by the irritating effects of bacterial plaque located on the adjacent tooth surface.
Treatment: Treatment consists of cleaning the teeth and the practice of good oral hygiene.
Prognosis: The disease is easily treated and the prognosis is good. If ignored, the inflammation may spread to deeper periodontal tissues in which case the patient is said to have periodontitis.
Differential diagnosis: Desquamative gingivitis, dilantin hyperplasia, and leukemic infiltrate. |